Atlantasite, (combination of green serpentine and purple Stitchite).
Stichtite: Named for Robert Carl Sticht (October 8, 1856, Hoboken, Hudson County, New Jersey, United States – April 30, 1922, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia), former general manager of the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Queenstown, Tasmania.
Serpentine: From Latin serpens = snake (French, 1753).
Group, Family:
Stichtite: Hydrotalcites.
Serpentine: Kaolinite-Serpentines | 4 Minerals with a similar formula but different properties (Antigorite, Orthochrysotile, Clinochrysotile, Lizardite) and their varieties (Bowenite, Williamsite).
Color :
Stichtite: Pink, Magenta, Red-magenta, Dark magenta, Violet.
Serpentine: White, Gray, Yellowish-yellow, Translucent apple green (Williamsite), Light green to dark green-Bluish green (Bowenite), Magenta to Red-magenta, Brown to black (Asbestos serpentine).
Serpentine: Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 (General formula for Antigorite, Orthochrysotile, Clinochrysotile, Lizardite) | Color: Green (Williamsite): Chrome in Cr3+ form around chromite inclusions.
Stichtite: Opaque to translucent.
Serpentine: Opaque, sometimes faintly translucent or transparent.
Density :
Stichtite: from 2.16 to 2.22.
Serpentine: from 2.4 to 2.62 in the gemstone range | 2.58 to 2.62 for Bowenite (variety of Antigorite).
Hardness :
Stichtite: 1½ - 2 to 3.
Serpentine: Generally 2, 3, For Bowenite (variety of antigorite): 4, 5 to 6.
Stichtite: Perfect.
Serpentine: Good in one direction, Fibrous.
Stichtite: Friable.
Serpentine: Conchoidal, splintering.
Line color:
Stichtite: White or Purple.
Serpentine: White.
Shock resistance:
Stichtite: Very fragile.
Serpentine: Good to Fragile.
Origin :
Stichtite: South Africa, Canada, Tasmania, Algeria, Australia.
Serpentine: Switzerland, Austria, Norway, England, Russia, United States, Iran, Zimbabwe, South Africa.
Properties :
Physical virtues:
Beneficial for cellular memory.
Treats blood disorders.
Treats hypoglycemia.
Treats diabetes.
Promotes elasticity and regeneration of the skin.
Psychological, emotional and mental virtues:
Reduces stress.
Encourages you to think before you speak.
Gently invites and encourages children to change their inappropriate behavior.
Helps get rid of the consequences of poor decision-making or old wounds.
Allows you to get rid of obsolete habits.
Instill more joy and positivity in us.
Reduce arguments.
Soothes mood swings by bringing inner peace.
Spiritual virtues:
Allows us to access our past lives in Atlantis, it reconnects us to theancient wisdom of being and encourages us to complete our projects.
Stimulates spiritual evolution.
Stone of excellence for meditation and relaxation.
Presentation :
Names) :
Atlantasite, (combination of green serpentine and purple Stitchite).
Stichtite: Named for Robert Carl Sticht (October 8, 1856, Hoboken, Hudson...
Presentation :
Names) :
Atlantasite, (combination of green serpentine and purple Stitchite).
Stichtite: Named for Robert Carl Sticht (October 8, 1856, Hoboken, Hudson...