Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.

Les Ondes De Forme

Shape Waves

How can a form have an action on the energetic level?

  • Each geometric body has its own vibrational energy, which depends on its shape. This is what we call 'waveform'. Already in ancient Egypt, as well as in other ancient cultures, it was known that certain forms were more adequate than others when it came to capturing cosmic energies and manifesting them. It was even considered that certain geometric figures and proportions had the capacity to reproduce the harmonious order of the cosmos on earth and thus ensure that the Micro-Cosmos here (a temple or a pyramid) was the exact representation of the Macro -Cosmos from above. This knowledge is called Sacred Geometry. It is the foundation of all sacred buildings (cathedrals, temples, pyramids, etc.) throughout the world.
The crop circle was made up of 409 circles forming what is called a triskelion, a symbol that dates back thousands of years.
  • If the shapes and proportions of Sacred Geometry often appear harmonious and pleasant to us, it is because they come to us from Nature: from the arrangement of the petals of many flowers, from the bodily shapes of animals and even from the proportions of the human body. . Many of these geometric elements are also part of the crop circles that we have been observing more and more in fields in recent years. They are all based on the shapes and proportions of Sacred Geometry as well as the golden ratio.

But on what principle are their effects based?

It is now widely recognized that the structure of the atom is actually energy in constant vibration. The greater whole is an ocean of vibrations of an infinite spectrum of frequencies. The bonds between electrons, atoms, molecules and different bodies form vibrational and informative matrices of unlimited diversity. By resonance effect, interactions occur at all levels of our planet. This vibrational symphony acts on all levels, most of which are currently still inaccessible to official sciences. Animals, whose ability to perceive and locate the frequencies of their home or partner at very long distances is very well known, thus demonstrate the superiority of the perception capacity of living beings compared to scientific measurement methods. The spectrum of natural electromagnetic frequencies, however, not only carries information, but also transmits a universal and subtle vital energy called “Orgone Energy”.

There are devices capable of establishing a field of this energy. For example, by emitting concentrated orgone energy on food products or drinks, in just a few minutes their vitality can be greatly improved. Pure water is a particularly suitable medium for receiving orgone energy. In addition, harmful vibrations from radioactivity, artificial electromagnetic frequencies (relay antennas, Wi-Fi, etc.), radar emissions and microwaves can be neutralized by the emission of an appropriate orgone field. Biological and homeopathic medicines can also be activated by orgone energy and their effectiveness can thus be significantly improved. The growth of plants is favored, their germination capacity increases, and their growth rate can be increased in an astonishing way. Domestic animals which have not been denatured by their contact with humans and which therefore still have intact instincts prefer food previously energized by orgone energy. Human beings also benefit greatly from orgone energy as the vibrations specific to all of our cells are stimulated.

Sacred geometry:

Seed, Flower and Tree of Life...

The flower of life is a very ancient symbol. We don't really know the period of its appearance, but it is found in many different cultures. The values ​​it conveys have the particularity of mixing sacred geometry, mathematics and esotericism, as well as the origin of life and the divine. At a time when we are all seeking to unify all opposites, the flower of life alone may unite science and spirituality into a coherent and harmonious whole.
  • The first proposed geometry is the major symbol of the visible expression of primordial energy:

The Seed or Seed of Life:

  • The genesis of the first unprecedented form of geometric expression is the sphere. It is the attribute of nothing and everything existing simultaneously. It is the first symbol which, through resonance, will generate another intimately linked sphere.
Seed of life with the symbol "Aum" in its center (Light in Sanskrit), on obsidian plaque.
  • The space of these two spheres, the science of sacred geometry calls it Vesica piscis, the primordial sphere emerging from its original harmony, symbol of the Divine Consciousness manifesting and experiencing itself, emerging from the void going and becoming conscious of it even. It will only regain its balance at the end of the seventh sphere, realized through the geometry interpreted by this symbol called the seed or seed of life.
Mutation from the Seed of Life to the Flower of Life.

Flower of Life :

Flower of Life
  • The vibrational expression of the waves of form emitted by the symbols and sacred geometries are a reality.
  • Without being more or less aware of it, these waves interfere and resonate with the place and the energy of our body, they penetrate us and act on us and our environment.
Flower of Life on obsidian plaque.
  • In geobiology, Feng shui, bioenergetics as well as in many energy sciences we know, use and become increasingly aware of the vibrational impact of sacred geometry, allowing among other things to rebalance, compensate and correct disturbances as much about places as about the living. Many civilizations and especially ancient cultures used and used sacred symbols among others for these reasons. Sacred geometries and symbols are linked to our genesis, to the manifestation of the universe in all its subtlety and carry within them the information of the original forces.
Rainbow Flower of Life.
  • Its vibrational impacts cannot be consciously perceived or intellectually assimilated. They address us through resonance, their messages connect with our deep inner being and influence our unconscious. Their subtle information is connected to other planes of consciousness than our simple rational evidence.
  • Using the waves of shapes of symbols and sacred geometry in our living spaces, to regulate or compensate for possible disturbances, to restructure energy balances, also on ourselves, or to activate awareness within us, has all these reasons for being.
  • It is called 'Vesica Pisces' or fish bladder. It is the intersection between 2 identical circles passing through their reciprocal midpoints. In the language of Sacred Geometry, this geometric figure describes the first day of Creation. The spirit of God, symbolized by a circle, exteriorizes itself to know itself by creating a second circle, God in a new form of expression. These two circles, as they pass through the exact middle of each other, create the Vesica Pisces, the gathering of the two aspects of God, the Feminine and the Masculine, from which all newness and creation comes. The Vesica Pisces is the form around which the Flower of Life, all Sacred Geometry, revolves, and which, ultimately, is part of all creation.
  • Sacred Geometry is based on shapes, but also on values ​​and proportions: all my instruments are designed according to the wavelength of 7.23 cm or one of its multiples. This frequency resonates with our entire universe and can therefore be considered as a vibration linked to Creation, in other words as a creative frequency. This length of 7.23 cm is also present everywhere in the human body: it is for example the exact distance between the centers of the pupils of the eyes when we average the measurements taken on a hundred people. We can still locate this measurement in many other places in the human body, but the most astonishing thing is that the basic wavelength of our Universe is also 7.23 cm. If we averaged the sounds of all objects in the Universe, we would obtain 7.23 cm. This frequency also corresponds to “OM”, this sacred syllable of the Hindus which represents the original sound potential of the Universe and which is at the origin of the frequency of all objects.
  • We owe the discovery of this wavelength to Bell Laboratories during the manufacture of the first microwave device towards the end of the 1950s. By chance, the frequency then chosen was very slightly lower than 7.23 cm . When the device was first switched on, a huge amount of static electricity and noise immediately appeared, for no good reason. Their investigations into the other devices present having yielded nothing, the technicians then oriented their new system in all directions, and they quickly realized that the noise was coming from everywhere, and both from the earth and from the sky. They therefore increased the energy by approximately 50,000 times so that the frequency of 7.23 cm could no longer be a source of disturbance.
This symbol brings us a revealed part of the mystical number seven.
In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the six days of creation and the seventh day God rested, takes on its full meaning. In most cultures the number seven is still privileged and occupies the place of the sacred number. It is the magical and beneficial number, designating completion after an accomplished cycle.
The seed of life symbolizes rediscovered harmony, the accomplishment of its expression.
Although it is a highly hermetic and initiatory subject, we are and experience the seed of life.

The Triquetra:

Celtic symbol the “Triquetra” which is formed on the 3 Vesica Peiscises
  • Germanic Paganism: The triquetra has been found on runestones from northern Europe, and on ancient Germanic coins. It likely had a religious significance, linked to Germanic mythology, and shows a resemblance to the Valknut, a symbol traditionally associated with Odin.
  • Celtic art We often encounter the triquetra in Hiberno-Saxon art, particularly in goldsmithing and in illuminated manuscripts, such as the Book of Kells. It is also found in similar ornaments on Celtic crosses and stones from early Christianity. The fact that the triquetra rarely appeared alone in Celtic art has led to doubts about its use as a primary religious symbol. In manuscripts, it was used mainly as ornament or to fill empty spaces with much more complex compositions. In interlacing panels, it is a motif integrated among others. Celtic art is still alive, both as a folk tradition and through several revival movements. This knot was used by Christian, Pagan and Agnostic Celts to symbolize things and people coming in threes. For the Celts, he represented the triple divinity (daughter, mother and grandmother). It also symbolizes the life, death and rebirth of the 3 forces of nature: water, earth, air. The inner circle represents femininity and fertility. It is also a rather recurring symbol in certain Celtic traditions, in connection with the triple Moon, the triple Goddess. Based on these two observations, we can easily link this type of symbolism to Roman mythology and its three Fates, the three Goddesses of Destiny. Still in the same line of thought, some associate the Triquetra with the three states of consciousness, embodied by waking, sleeping and finally dreaming. Finally, generally speaking, what emerges from these interpretations is that the Triquetra has a direct relationship with time and what we are: birth, life, death... Other interpretations also circulate and, in fact, , it would almost be possible to associate an interpretation of this symbol with each different culture.
  • Christian symbolism The symbol of the triquetra was then used by Christians as a symbol of the Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These Christian triquetras are very frequently accompanied by a circle which crosses the three loops, emphasizing the unity of the three elements.
  • Neopaganism Neopaganism uses the triquetra to symbolize different concepts and mythological figures. Germanic neopagan groups (northerners) who use the triquetra to symbolize their beliefs generally believe it to be of Scandinavian and Germanic origin. Its presence in insular Celtic art led reconstructionists to use it, either to represent one of the triplicities of their cosmogony (such as the tripartite division of the world into Earth, Sea and Sky) or as a symbol of one of the triple goddesses, for example Morrigan.
Triquetra & Trskele.
  • The symbol is also sometimes used by Wiccans and some New Age followers to represent either the triple goddess of neopaganism, or the interconnected aspects of existence that are Spirit, Body and Soul, or even other concepts seeming to reflect this unity.
  • Also note that this symbol has different names if it is surrounded by a circle or not. From then on, it is called "triquetra" when it is surrounded by the circle and "monad" when it is represented without a circle. This symbol is that of the “Alliance”. Given the interlaced shape, we can assume that it is of Irish origin. It implies the divine three-part: Lug in its two aspects which are Ogma (dark side) and Dagda (bright side).

The Triskelion:

Triskelion carved into rock
  • The triskele is sometimes also spelled "triskell" and we also find other variants such as triskele or triskele, or even triskele. Today, the most common representation consists of three intertwined spirals. The triskele with three spirals displays solar symbolism.
  • Although it appeared in various cultures and in different periods, it is considered an important feature of Celtic art during the La Tène period (Second Iron Age, 5th – 2nd century BC). ). It is already found in the form of an engraving on a large stone from the Neolithic tomb of Newgrange, on the site of Brú na Bóinne, in Ireland. However, it was only around the 5th century AD that it spread to Armorica and ended up representing the Celtic symbol par excellence.
  • Symbolism and interpretation Its orientation brings different interpretations: - if it is turned towards the left, it is considered negative (it is also very "amusing" to note that the left side is almost always considered the bad side, the pariah, etc... - if it is turned to the right, it is then positive According to the neo-Druidic tradition in particular, the triskele with three spirals represents the spiral movement of any gravitating body within the Universe. In this case, the orientation of its branches is of absolutely no importance since the rotation of any body, depending on whether it is observed from above or below, automatically changes direction.
Triskele and Seed of Life.
  • Many meanings have been put forward without a single one being privileged; according to the archaeologist and historian Wenceslas Kruta, the solar nature of the triskelion being "generally recognized", it is probable that it represents in Celtic iconography the three points of the vertical movement of the sun: rising, zenith and to sleep.
  • Likewise, it represents the 3 elements: earth, fire and water, some also say that it represents water, air and fire, earth being in the center, others that it symbolizes earth, water and fire set in motion by air? In Celtic mythology, it can represent the three main gods: Lug, the primordial god, the Dagda and Ogme. It also evokes the trinitarian character of the unique goddess (daughter, mother and wife) or the solar wheel (attribute of Dagda).
  • The symbolism that we generally associate with the number three also applies to the triskele: birth/life/death, past/present/future, but also youth/mature age/old age, spirit/soul/body. The Spirit represents the creative force of the world, the Soul is a particle or a spark, and finally the Body, the flesh, the tangible vehicle of this spark. These three entities, represented by the three branches, merge in a whirlwind which is the very figure of the Triskell. It is also said that it could be representative of the "Three Worlds": the World of the Living, the World of the Dead and the World of Spirits
  • This theory could simply be a mutation of that which prevails according to certain Druidic societies and according to which the world is composed of three inseparable "sub-worlds", namely: - Abred: the tangible world (therefore the body, the flesh, the mortal) - Gwenved: the world where souls come to transit before their reincarnation. - Keugant: the divine world, the pinnacle of perfection, but to which souls (and bodies of course) do not have access.
  • It is difficult to give the triskele an exact symbolism, the transmission of knowledge among the Druids having only taken place orally. We find the triskele on the flag of the Isle of Man or of various organizations from the interwar period. It is still used officially in Ireland and unofficially but very affectionately by Bretons young and old.

The Flower of Life

From the seed of life will be born the flower of life, the Mother of Creation.
What resides in this major symbol has been the case for very ancient times with unprecedented mathematical, geometric, metaphysical and spiritual teachings across multiple civilizations on the action of this information ¨Light Energy¨ from the original Source.
  • The flower of life is the visible expression of this energy. It details the geometric links resulting from the structural basis of each of Platonic solids.
  • The flower of life creates and renews in all its forms the principle of life from one sphere to another. Possessing all the primary information necessary to generate and being perfect in itself, the flower of life is experienced and reflected identically in a holographic principle to infinity.
  • By this fact, the flower of life expresses all the creativity and all the beauty of the original primordial principle.
  • It is the sacred geometry of the Divine force manifesting itself. Its foundations lie in everything that exists, right down to the depths of our being.
“Deep in the heart of the earth lies the flower, the source of Spirit that binds all in its form. For know that the earth lives in its body just as you live in your own form. The flower of Life is like your own place of Spirit and springs through the earth as yours flows through your form. » The Emerald Tables of Thoth, table 13

Some daily applications of the shape wave of the geometry of the Flower of Life.

  • The Flower of Life is one of the most complete symbols in its diversity of action. It regenerates, rebalances, harmonizes, energizes and protects.

For a location:

  • – You can place it as a visual support in a room of your home.
  • Hang it on a wall, place it on a shelf, a desk, in a room for relaxation, care or physical activity. It will have a vibrational harmonization action (balance, harmonization and protection of the place). On the other hand, to work effectively on a disturbing geobiological phenomenon, it is preferable to place the flower of life in the place affected by the problem and often even precisely.

For alimentation :

  • – Place the flower of life in the places where you store your food (cupboard, fridge, cellar, etc.). It will have an action on conservation, regeneration and protection.
  • – Place the flower of life under your prepared meals and of course under your drinking water. The application under a bottle of wine is very interesting, it's up to you to judge.
  • You can leave the flowers of life as long as you want. Energizing and purifying action.

For health products:

  • – Place the flower of life where you store your care products, even under your products. Essential oils, mother tinctures, various elixirs, homeopathy, food supplements, finally everything related to your health, even minerals. Energizing action.
  • For work on yourself:
  • – We can certainly be accompanied by the flower of life as a meditative support, or in work on the different levels of being, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual.

History of the flower of life:

Without too much surprise, it is in Mesopotamia that it is found for the first time, but the oldest representation is found in Egypt in three temples at Abydos in homage to Osiris.
  • Very old symbol, representing an ancient code, is found in all major religions of the world.
  • At the Temple of Osirion in Egypt, it was found literally burned into rose quartz through a still unknown process, and has been carbon dated to 14, 3000 BC
  • It is also found in Turkey, India, Israel… In each circle, there are 19 others, down to the infinitely small.
  • Source of life, Sacred Geometry, Golden Ratio, Platonic Solids, 3 of our essential amino acids…and more…
It is on one of the oldest walls in Egypt, in the middle of the ruins of a temple almost 6,000 years old, among the reeds, that this sacred geometric drawing is engraved on a pillar.
Flower of life engraved on the pillar of a temple in homage to Osiris, in Abydos, Egypt
There are also other drawings linked to the flower of life, on the same granite slab, such as, for example, the seed of life, which is in some way the heart of the flower of life.
The seed of life, at the heart of the flower of life
At the center of the seed of life there is the egg of life. This latter symbol was found on the tomb of a temple knight, in St Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall, in the north of England.
The egg of life, found on the tomb of a temple knight
The flower of life is also represented more commonly in Turkey, which is not really surprising given its Mesopotamian heritage.
Flower of life in Türkiye
On the other hand, where it seems more surprising to find it is in India, in Amistar, and in China
Flower of life in India, at Amistar
Closer to us, it seems that Leonardo da Vinci was very interested in the flower of life, from a mathematical point of view, but also from a structural point of view. It is very probable that it is found in this antediluvian symbol, the keys to a matrix of life, hiding the secrets of a forgotten science, which seeks to unify with spirituality. He was also largely inspired by it to build the bases of many of his inventions and experiment with the notions of Golden proportions.
Leonardo da Vinci's work on the flower of life
In his book “The ancient secret of the flower of life”, Drunvalo Melchizedek relates the construction of the flower of life, with the sacred writings of Genesis, coming from the Bible, but also other texts recounting the origin of creation.
In the beginning, it is often said that God projects himself in 6 directions, to the limit of his kingdom, to begin his creation. It is also said that he created the world in 6 days, because the 7th corresponds to well-deserved rest. “In the beginning there were six”
The different stages of construction of the Seed of Life strangely correspond to this story. In Egypt, the mystery school taught the art of meditation focusing on this creative principle. The disciple placed himself in the middle of a completely black room, and should project through his mind, the 7 spheres of light. This process was supposed to energize the body of light (or the BA, the soul for the Egyptians).
The first two days of Genesis (Construction of the flower of life)
At each stage, the symbolic information delivered by the successive crossing of the spheres brings the light of knowledge, exponentially at each stage. It is interesting to point out that this famous intersection could be precisely the origin of light, it is called the Vesica piscis, and it corresponds to the first day of creation.
Indeed, we can only notice its eye shape, as well as its lens shape, which concentrates the rays of light. But, “Vesica piscis” literally means in Latin the body of the fish, which is associated with Christ, and his divine light.
This mystical symbol designated the intersection of the divine world and the material world, and the beginning of creation. It is widely used in symbolism to represent the meeting of the God and the Goddess, the vagina of the goddess, one of the forms covering the Tree of Life, as well as the geometric description of the square roots and harmonic proportions of Gold.
The Seed of Life; the genesis
The Seed of Life represents, in a way, genesis. If we continue to develop other circles around this seed, we obtain the flower of life. But at the heart of this flower we also find another sacred symbol:

the Tree of Life of Kabbalah.

The tree in the flower of life
Tradition has it that the Kabbalistic Tree of Life has its origins in the Jews or Hebrews, but this perfect integration into the flower of life could suppose that its origin is much older. Furthermore, the knowledge conveyed in the tree of life is obviously related to the structures which accompany the seed and then the flower of life.
From Kabbalah, also called the Sephiroth tree. It is traced from the seed of Life. It represents the hierarchy of the archangels, the sephires.
Sephiroth Tree of Life integrating Metatron's cube.
Kabbalah is a set of metaphysical speculations about God, man and the universe, which has its roots in Jewish esoteric traditions.
To inscribe this tree in the flower, you need 13 circles. It is interesting to note that the number 13 is very important among the Maya, and in particular in their famous calendar, which has 13 skies to culminate in the completion of creation, i.e. 7 days and 6 nights.
Tree of Life Sephiroth.
Still extrapolating, we could imagine that the Tree of Life is the culminated form of creation, storing all the knowledge accumulated, since the creation of the Vesica piscis, on the first day, and thus multiplying the knowledge with each new sphere (From 1 to 13).
And it is perhaps for this reason that the mysteries, traditions and magics which revolve around Kabbalah are entirely based on the teachings of the tree of life, of which we ultimately only understand a tiny part.
Crop Circle "Merkaba"

The Star of David:

Power of the magical hexagram:

Star of David on obsidian plaque.
  • The magic hexagram is a 6-pointed magic star, with magic constant equal to 26. An n-vertex magic star is a polygon in which each of the vertices and intersections have numbers aligned from 1 to 2n, while the numbers in each line of the polygon gives the same sum (or magic constant). The magic constant of a magic star with n vertices is M = 4n + 2. There are no star polygons with fewer than 5 vertices and the construction of a magic star with 5 vertices is impossible. The example of a small magic star therefore has 6 points.
Magic hexagram / magic constant = 26

Use in Kabbalah:

According to Jewish sources, the Star of David, or shield, means the number seven, it is the six points plus the center. The oldest Jewish text to directly mention the symbol is Eshkol Ha-Kofer by the Karaite Judah Hadassi, in the mid-12th century.
The number seven has religious significance in Judaism, for example, the six days of Creation and the seventh day of rest, the six working days of the week, plus the Sabbath day of rest and prayer, the seven spirits of God, as well as the Menorah in the ancient Temple, whose seven oil lamps remain on three branch rods on each side of a central pole. In Kabbalah, the Star of David symbolizes the six directions of space, plus the center, under the influence of the description of space in the Sefer Yetzira: Up, Down, East, West, South, North and Center. Congruently, under the influence of the Zohar, it represents the Six Sefirot of Man (Zeir Anpin) united with the seventh Sefirot of Woman (Nekuva).
The Star of David in the oldest complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008.

Solomon's Seal:

  • This SEAL or STAR representing the Zodiac was a symbol of Babylon. The six-pointed star has been used by many different peoples. The German Condor Legion used it as a rank badge during the Fascist War in Spain from 1936 to 1939. American police often use the six-pointed star, SHERIFFS wear this star.
  • The oldest representation of the Octogram dates from 4300 - 3600 BC. AD, at Teleilat el Ghassul in Jordan. Shortly after, among the Sumerians and Babylonians, it became “Star of Inana” or “Star of Ishtar”, emblem of the goddess of love, the prostitute. Among the Sumerians it will also be the sign “Dingir” which means God. In Voodoo, a similar figure is called the “Star of Ife”.
Matsya is Vishnu when he is in the constellation Pisces
  • Among the Sumerians around 3000 - 2000 BC. AD, this symbol was the sign “UB” and it represented the 5 directions (East, North, South, West and Zenith). A representation was found on a Seal of Sidon (in Phoenicia / Lebanon) dating from the 7th century BC. AD and belonging to a certain Josuhua ben Assayahu (Joshua ben Asaiah). The hexagram or six-pointed star is revered as a religious symbol by the Hebrews who call it the Seal of Solomon. Hindus call it the mark of Vishnu, a god who was half man and half fish.
Seal of Solomon.
  • In the 4th century BC. AD, it will be used to adorn the seals of the city of Jerusalem. The symbol is used by many avatars of the Gods because it represents above all the Zodiac and its center, in relation to the cycle of the precession of the Equinoxes and the movements of the Earth. From the 3rd century BC. at least our era, the Star Hexagram is already known in India where it is called SAT-KONA. It will then be used to compose numerous mandalas / yantras by Hinduists and Buddhists.
Pope David
  • The Judeo-Christian Star of David, but also Islamic, is therefore Indian, the GOLOKA symbol is the star of KRSNA, that is to say KRISHNA avatar of HORUS alias SKANDA the Indian and of CHRIST of the Catholics. This TALISMAN is found almost everywhere, such as on a coin from Carthage dating from the 5th Century BC, but it is not present in Egypt or among the Mayans, on the other hand it is found on the hats of the golums!


  • It is certain that they also analyzed with great attention the proportions of the six-pointed star, because the Star of David is the simplest star to make. It is drawn naturally under the compass without any modification of its opening which thus becomes the single measurement.
  • It is a perfect star shape itself the source of a radiant harmony endowed at its center with six angles equal to 60°. By “establishing the right angle” followed by a quarter-turn rotation, the “star of Light” splits and the lines coming from its center and passing through its points share the circumference of the circle which circumscribes it into 12 aliquot parts (12 arcs equal to each other), thus giving rise to “a twelve-pointed star”
A Magic Star with a Compass
  • The ancients noted that the ten-pointed star whose number of rays is related to the decade, “counting system arising naturally from the human constitution” (the two times five fingers, the five senses, etc.) was, it too, easily and rigorously constructed using the square and compass.
  • They then noticed that the harmonic combinations achievable through the proportions of this star were frequently found in nature in the form of triangles, rectangles, pentagons and spirals benefiting from their proportions of specific properties that we know today to correspond has both arithmetic and geometric progression having as its reason the GOLDEN NUMBER 1.618. Proportion that they also found in the form of a fraction in the five-pointed star.
Star and golden number
  • The linear measurements used by the Egyptians were related to “the proportion of an arc of a circle of 1/6th” (i.e. approximately 0.5236 of our meters for a half circumference of radius equal to 1). Which was of course expressed according to the numbering system specific to each of these peoples. Namely: by tens and sixty for the first, which also means by fractions expressed "in 60ths or in 10ths", and in terms of Royal Cubits. The very approximate value of an arc of a circle of 1/6th half circumference with radius equal to 1.
  • The circle is described by the continuous movement of a constant measure, starting from a fixed center. If we carry this measurement, called radius, six times around the edge of the circle we obtain the points allowing us to draw two closely overlapping equilateral triangles. A perfect balance between Matter and Spirit.
  • It is the union of the Microcosm and the Macrocosm. The addition of five (pentagram) and six (hexagram) gives eleven. The thirty-three degrees of Scottishism can be divided into three series of eleven grades. The six triangles of the hexagram have eighteen sides; the five triangles of the pentagram have fifteen sides.
  • By adding eighteen and fifteen we find the number thirty-three. The 15th degree of Masonry is the 1st degree of the “Chapters”, and the 18th is the grade of “Rose Cross”. This grade is only the amplification of the 3rd degree.
  • That's three multiplied by six. The Ladder (towards the sky) is based on the ennead or triple ternary. These three times result in a symbolic accomplishment marked by the presence of 9. Three is therefore the only way to perceive the notion of the primordial One.
Seal of Solomon to be placed in the North direction.
  • Pi, the GOLDEN NUMBER, Root of two, and the Numbers of the Fibonacci series, authorize proportional assemblies in the same circle which are the basis of a system of creativity allowing numerous star shapes to be materialized under the compass practically perfect. The GOLDEN NUMBER is also the basis for the construction of the pyramids. The GOLDEN NUMBER which is also a symbol of the Zodiac, since it codes the cycles of the Earth and the precession of the Equinoxes, there is absolutely no such number in nature!

Metatron's Cube:

Metatron's Cube.
  • Metatron's Cube is a sacred geometric figure which superimposes all of the Platonic Solids as well as the Merkaba on a single geometric figure.
  • The Metatron Cube was transmitted to Man by the Archangel Metatron during teaching or channeling, it is his seal.
  • The importance of Metatron's Cube:
  • - The Metatron Cube is a sacred geometric figure with a very high vibration rate, you can use it to increase the vibration rate of a place, a person, etc.
  • - The Metatron Cube is the most powerful protection against all negative energies or beings, you can carry it with you, visualize it around you like a merkabah, ask for it to be integrated into your aura, or still make copies and place them in your home.

Can the energy of forms be the only one used?

No, there are several energies of different natures. In fact nothing is separate. There are different types of energy. Shape wave energy activates through specific shapes and proportions. Material energy is activated by the use of particular metallic alloys, precious stones, materials having a crystalline structure and having absorbed energy for a long time or in large quantities. For example, water is an excellent energy absorber. There is also the energy of consciousness, which is activated through meditation, visualization and force of will. Finally there is known physical energy, such as electromagnetic vibrations, certain frequencies and wavelengths, etc. Even the vortex and swirl technology described by Viktor Schauberger is part of it. Thanks to the use of all these means, we can create a considerable energy field for therapeutic and harmonization purposes. And the higher the energy level of the body, the more effective the medications, the more well an operation is accepted by the body, and the shorter the recovery periods.

Shape waves:

All shapes, whether on a two-dimensional support (flat surface representing geometric or other symbols, drawings, photos, tables, etc.) or three-dimensional (objects, furniture, sculptures, architecture of all kinds, etc.) ..) emit so-called shape waves.
Their vibrational expressions are a reality
Each shape is a geometric body with its own vibrational energy.
The nature of the energy released from a form in space is more or less consistent because these vibrational waves have very precise concordances and characteristics of their own. This can make them more or less positive or negative.
The aspects, contours, proportions, materials, colors, and also the information (memories) of these shapes contribute to this vibrational impact.
A sculpture with soft, rounded shapes in wood or natural stone will spread a more harmonious energy than a piece of furniture with angular angles in metal or made of reconstituted materials. An artist's painting representing a war scene will negatively influence the place where it is located, while a photo representing a beautiful landscape and calm will bring well-being.
Without being more or less aware of it, these waves interfere and resonate with the place and the energy of our body, they penetrate us and act on us. In geobiology and Feng shui, this phenomenon is taken seriously.
Everything that surrounds us, everything we wear (clothes, jewelry, etc.) contributes to a lowering or higher vibration of the place or our being.
Certain waves of shapes from sacred geometry, ancient symbols or crop circles are part of these positive vibrational and wave impacts allowing us to act according to their effects on places, beings and on living things in general.

Using these shape waves is definitely useful.

The wave shapes of crop circles are linked to symbolic forces conveyed by universal primordial concepts from sacred geometry.
Their appearances and their energetic impacts are linked to an unprecedented vibrational need at the planetary level.
Using the shape waves of shapes and symbols from sacred geometry in our places of life, to regulate or to compensate for possible disturbances, to restructure energy balances, also on ourselves or to activate within us consciousness, has all these reasons for being.
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