Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.

Stock, Availability, Product details:

Stock, Availability, Product details:

Is this product in stock?

  • We offer a large selection of products on our e-commerce site, “Dans la besace du p'tit Poucet”. To find out availability online or in your store, you can refer to the information on the product sheet.
  • Any product sold is removed from the site and includes the photo and is attached.
  • Supply times are updated on the product sheets, by obtaining our suppliers' part of estimated delivery dates. The supply time, we mean the average number of days announced by our suppliers to deliver our logistics platform. To this, it is appropriate to add a processing time for this supply (ordering, labeling and storage of the goods) before setting up the preparation of your order and its shipment. To summarize, allow approximately 48 hours from the date of availability of a product before it is shipped.

Are these the products in the photo that are for sale?

  • All product sheets have their own photos and it is therefore these products that are on sale and no others.
  • Each time the sale, the product sheet, photos and attachments are deleted in order to avoid any possible and possible errors.