Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.

Super Seven

Super Seven

Super Seven (Sacred Seven, Melody Stone):

New Age esoteric name for a quartz crystal with various inclusions of 7 minerals visible to the naked eye or microscopic: amethyst, goethite, lepidocrosite, rutile, cacoxenite (cacoxene), rock crystal, smoky quartz, and sometimes citrine, hematite or chlorite. From the Esperito Santo (translated: Holy Spirit) mine in Brazil.
This crystal combines all the properties of these minerals. It helps to free oneself from mental confusion, fears, anxieties, doubts and prejudices. Brings great clarity of mind, openness to new knowledge, abandonment of erroneous or obsolete ideas and beliefs.
Removes all stress, establishes calm, peace and confidence in life. Excellent stone for all ENT problems, particularly for pulmonary pathologies, even acute ones (pneumonia or emphysema for example) (Heart Chakra). Greatly stimulates the body's healing abilities, the immune system, activates source cellular memory. (Root and/or heart chakra)
Spiritual plane and esotericism: Very complete crystal of ascension and spiritual awakening, its very high vibration helps us to anchor and manifest the Divine attributes of the Father-Mother God on Earth. It also allows you to develop extrasensory perception faculties more quickly in sessions on the 3rd eye, in meditation by holding a crystal in each hand with your fingertips. Opens the Crown Chakra to facilitate the passage of cosmic energies; acts on the pranic canal by widening it little by little.
On the heart chakra, gently dissipates the protective veils for the complete opening of the sacred center (center of Solar Power). Conveys cosmic and telluric energies in our being, connects the sacred, heart and 3rd eye chakras, roots deeply. Activates the Merkaba vehicle, as well as the construction of the body of Light, the integration of the soul and the Divine Self in the body. Can be programmed to bring together all the fragments (facets) of the Being and achieve union with the Twin Flame.
Also called “Sacred Seven”, the Super Seven in direct connection with the 7th sphere, the Violet Flame and the Beloved Saint Germain, is one of the New Age stones best suited to helping its wearer in the transition phases following different changes. vibrational, ascensional and interdimensional of the Age of Aquarius. The Super Seven is connected to the 12 sacred galactic rays and their multiple sub-rays. It restores or strengthens and increases the connection with the Soul Self, the Higher and Divine Self, the Angelic realms and the feminine aspects of Divinity (Isis, Kuan Yin, Mary, Nefertiti, Abundantia, Lakshmi…).
It will be used to channel and transmit the healing energies of the 5th dimension and higher, towards Gaia, Mother Earth and all humanity who are in great need of it. Encourages one to become a pillar of Light for the Supreme Good of all. The rolled crystal pebbles as well as the raw stones will be perfect for opening the 3rd eye and the Crown Chakra.
They are very effective against attacks from the lower astral when cleaning living or working spaces, also for clairvoyance or channeling sessions. (In pocket or spiral at the 4th Chakra). At first contact, it is its very high vibration – like an incredibly high musical note – that we encounter.
A vibration which imposes respect and which asks us to make ourselves very small in the face of this very elevated piece of consciousness. Making ourselves small means knowing how to disappear, putting aspects of our personality on hold to be present in a much higher dimension. Super Seven is aimed at our most subtle bodies. A job that is difficult to perceive at first glance because it is not linked to personality.
This is the kind of stone where we know something is happening but without really knowing what! So let's go a little further... The Super Seven helps us bridge the gap between the soul and the personality. She helps the construction of Antakarana. This stone re-informs our body, our luminous and divine nature. A re-information not mental but cellular.
It’s about integrating the highest aspects of our higher self down to the depths of our density. To do this, an energetic connection is formed between all our bodies, and radiates an energy reminding us of our essential nature. This connection can be felt physically by the sensation that all our channels are dilating to let information pass, each part of the body is expanding to let itself be filled by this luminous message.
It is important to see that this stone does not work by simply sticking our heads in high luminous spheres to let us gently contemplate... It ensures the connection – the bridge – between our life as an incarnate being and our nature highest vibration. A way of connecting the soul to the bodily presence. She works simultaneously on the Terrestrial and Celestial anchoring. Her message: “Let yourself be radiated by your own Nature. Embody the Plane of Soul. Reconnect with your full awareness.
Leave all nostalgia attached to your Being to celebrate this moment of reunion. " And yes ! That's a lot of messages, it must be said that this mixture of 7 stones is in contact with the devas of each of these components. The 7 messages come together, like the 7 colors of the rainbow forming white light, to create an 8th: “SELF”
Some will say that this is just a common amethyst of very poor quality, but it is just that they are speaking without knowing and undoubtedly without having tried it. It is by no means a poor quality amethyst but rather a mineral in its own right containing, among many other minerals, also amethyst.
Nb: Do not hesitate to share with us in the comments below your feelings and impressions regarding this stone and share with us your experiences around this mineral, in order to make this group a group of exchange and sharing Super Seven


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