Fairy Finger Quartz
Presentation :
- Quartz from the Spirit Quartz family, it therefore also has the powers of Spirit Quartz.
Physical virtues:
- Treats the lungs, intestines, prostate, male genitourinary system.
Treats the skeleton and bone marrow.
Effective against sore throats.
Useful for thyroid and thymus problems.
Regulates the liver and gallbladder.
Effective for the pancreas (diabetes).
Useful for bladder problems.
Treats blood pressure.
Effective for the systems: immune, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic and endocrine.
Useful for metabolism, for the systems: circulatory, respiratory, digestive and locomotor, the osteoarticular sphere,
Anti-allergic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and against rheumatism.
Treats the female and male hormonal system.
Psychological, emotional and mental virtues:
- Brings peace and serenity.
- Us to let go and free ourselves from the past.
- Relieves obsessive disorders or problems related to family abuse.
Perfectly balances masculine and feminine energies. Work on these 2 aspects in order to reveal them completely, freeing us from blockages induced by beliefs and erroneous thought forms.
Relieves tension, depression and reduces stress.
Connects us to our inner strength, annihilating all our fears and doubts in the process.
Gives courage and will to overcome difficulties and illnesses.
Helps to free oneself from physical and romantic addictions.
Through its beautiful soothing energy it detaches us from internal struggles to recreate cohesion between our polarities.
- Reveals us to our potential and awakens our creative power.
Spiritual virtues:
- Very protective, especially to protect the aura.
- Helps us to repel and transform harmful energy into beneficial energy.
- Very useful for aligning and balancing the chakras.
- Excellent for deep meditation.
- Promotes and develops our communication with our guides.
- Useful for astral projection, dream work, shamanic journeying and rebirthing.
- Very beneficial for spiritual growth and development.
- Vibrating universal love, its vibrations enhance our energy.
- It is mainly associated with the Crown chakra, however it is also used to rebalance the other chakras.