Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.

Aragonite Spoutnik

Aragonite Sputnik

Presentation :

Names) :

  • Aragonite.


  • From the name where it was discovered in Aragon (Spain) (Werner, 1796).

Group, Family:

  • Aragonite Group.

Color :

  • Colorless, White, Gray, Yellow, Orange, Apple green-brown, Light green-brown to Green-brown, Light magenta to Pink, Red-magenta to Red, Light blue-bluish, Brown sometimes zoned.


  • Glassy to Resinous.

Origin :

  • United States, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Pakistan, Africa, (Namibia, Madagascar...), Algeria, Morocco, Sicily, etc.

Crystal system:

  • Orthorombic: Trimorphic with Calcite and Vaterite.

Chemical composition :

  • CaCO3 | Various impurities: Yellow, Brown, Red: Iron oxides | Blue, Green: Copper, etc.


  • Transparent to Translucent to Opaque (concretion).

Density :

  • 2.93 to 2.95, (2.947 pure), (more than 3.0 if Pb present).

Hardness :

  • 3 to 4.


  • Hardly visible.


  • Conchoidal, Sub-conchoidal.

Line color:

  • White.

Shock resistance:

  • Bad.

Heat resistance:

  • Good.


  • In addition to being decorative, in addition to the virtues common to aragonites, it brings creativity and freedom in all work that requires ingenuity and patience. It is interesting for artists and poets.


Stone of anchoring & liberation of the mind.

  • It is a stone linked to Mother Earth, protector of the environment, which makes us aware of the interest in preserving nature and everything that makes us live healthily. Aragonite is a centering stone that fixes physical energies. Aragonite frees the mind, allows better concentration on all the work to be done on a daily basis, awakens good intuitions about future projects. It is an excellent stone for listening to your body while being anchored to the earth.
  • Aragonite calms anxiety, hyper-sensitivity thus facilitating sleep, and providing patience and tolerance.

Physical virtues:

  • Like coral and calcite, it is the stone of bones, skeleton and teeth, on which it will act. Helps with disabilities of bone origin. It attracts and fixes the energies of the earth in us, in our bones. Aragonite is therefore the master stone for bones.
  • Fight against osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis and polyarthritis, bone decalcification, rheumatism, brittle bone disease.
  • Effective during convalescence to help heal broken, broken and fractured bones.
  • The energy of Aragonite is both calming and energizing. Its vibration immediately spreads throughout the body, clearing, purifying and balancing all energy centers.
  • Centering stone (root chakra), and anchoring to the earth. Allows you to listen to your body.
  • Its crystallization coming from a very hot solution will make it able to help warm cold extremities (fingers, toes). It will fight against possible colds.
  • Its soothing properties help calm pain, headaches and lower back pain. It can therefore help with problems with spinal discs and joints.
  • It strengthens the immune system, anesthetizes pain by placing it on the sore area. Aragonite has calming properties, to carry with you to combat daytime stress.

Virtues on a psychological level:

  • It helps us find a center of peace in our heart, to free ourselves from our emotional attachments and past hurts.
  • Stone which frees the mind and can promote better concentration in work and a certain discipline while being flexible and with a touch of tolerance.
  • It calms inner agitation, anxiety, hyper-sensitivity, and provides patience (to place on the heart).
  • It is helpful in the spiritual domain to the extent that it structures and calms too rapid progress which can destabilize.
  • Stone who promotes good intuitions on projects.
  • Aragonite intervenes powerfully to restore harmony in social relationships. It makes anger and resentment disappear.


  • Also the rarest and therefore the most expensive. It is related to the throat chakra. It has a soothing action, and helps you say things as you feel them gently, without awkwardness. This stone is most interesting for controlling too rapid personal development, detrimental to what our mind can digest.
  • Useful in case of overwork.
  • Too many revelations or any form of learning that is too rigid can in fact lead to an inflation of the ego, resulting in a feeling of omnipotence followed by great loneliness: no one understands me and I no longer understand the world in which I screw.
  • It is a stone of sincerity but also of very maternal wisdom. So very useful stone for people who have difficulty expressing themselves. They soothe anger and resentment. This can thus restore harmony in social relationships in a group.
  • Communication, de-stressing properties, meditation, increased emotional expression and paranormal abilities Chakras: throat (5th), heart (4th), 3rd eye (6th) Problems: – respiratory illnesses or weaknesses, improves asthma and bronchitis – stimulates the lungs, very useful in the work of breathing.


  • This other very beautiful aragonite helps us stay in the game, to stay “in”. Indeed, it helps us integrate new knowledge. In conjunction with your medical treatment, it resonates with the spinal discs. She carries in her memory all the properties common to aragonites: patience, determination, calm and composure.

Chakras and use:

  • Heart Chakra: Fix Vitamins A and D, skin problems, and centering.
  • Root Chakra: To strengthen the skeleton.

Special features:

  • Purifies the aura. By refocusing energy and making it circulate.

Cleaning, recharging, reprogramming:

  • Cleaning with clear spring water or filtered water (never salt in the water. Salt alters the structure of the mineral and the abyss). Soak the mineral overnight in an unmarked glass container, and then take it out in the morning to rinse it with new spring or filtered water.
  • Direct recharge on a crystal or amethyst druse, in a crystal or amethyst geode. You can also place a dozen laser or rock crystals in a circle (like a time dial), points toward the center, and place your minerals in the center to recharge them. Another method, place your minerals in a singing bowl: Tibetan or crystal bowl, (on a cotton cloth to avoid bowl/mineral vibrations), then ring the bowl to fill your minerals with this sound energy. Last method, place your minerals on a disc (wood or mineral) engraved with the flower of life or the seal of Solomon or any other forms of sacred geometry.
  • Reprogramming: Reprogramming consists not of telling your mineral what it should or should not do, but of putting the mineral in resonate with you to ask him to do what he needs to do, for you. Reprogramming must be done after each cleaning and must remain simple. Example of reprogramming: "I ask this mineral to bring me all the virtues and benefits on different levels, for my greatest good as well as for the greatest good of the people around me."

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Regular price 10,13€
Sale price 10,13€
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Présentation : Nom(s) : Aragonite. Étymologie : Du nom où elle a été découverte en Aragon (Espagne) (Werner, 1796). Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Aragonites. Couleur : Incolore, Blanc, Gr...
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Sale price 7,85€
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Présentation : Nom(s) : Aragonite. Étymologie : Du nom où elle a été découverte en Aragon (Espagne) (Werner, 1796). Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Aragonites. Couleur : Incolore, Blanc, Gr...
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Présentation : Nom(s) : Aragonite. Étymologie : Du nom où elle a été découverte en Aragon (Espagne) (Werner, 1796). Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Aragonites. Couleur : Incolore, Blanc, Gr...
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Sale price 23,56€
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Présentation : Nom(s) : Aragonite. Étymologie : Du nom où elle a été découverte en Aragon (Espagne) (Werner, 1796). Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Aragonites. Couleur : Incolore, Blanc, Gr...
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Sale price 23,36€
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Présentation : Nom(s) : Aragonite. Étymologie : Du nom où elle a été découverte en Aragon (Espagne) (Werner, 1796). Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Aragonites. Couleur : Incolore, Blanc, Gr...
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Sale price 6,34€
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Présentation : Nom(s) : Aragonite. Étymologie : Du nom où elle a été découverte en Aragon (Espagne) (Werner, 1796). Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Aragonites. Couleur : Incolore, Blanc, Gr...