It will not have escaped you that very often when we are looking for a mineral to solve a problem whatever it may be, the books refer us to a typical mineral without even giving us the legitimate reasons and without even, through the somatization, understanding the why of our ills. Indeed, if we are looking for a stone for sleeping we will often be advised to use Amethyst, Celestine or many others, but does treating sleep disorders in the broad sense have any real logical or Well, is it better to refine it by looking for the reason for this disruption?
Any stone dealer will systematically rely on the index of his book to cite the stones written in black and white next to each ailment, without looking further into "why this stone and not another?". On the other hand, any good therapist, whether naturo, phyto, or litho, will do their job as a therapist before putting on their second hat according to the specificity of their course. As a therapist and lithotherapist, I always seek the source of each ailment in order to best treat the cause and not the symptom, and then according to the principles and virtues specific to each crystal, advise the one which in my opinion would be the most or best suited to the current situation experienced by the patient.
To take the perfect example of sleep disorders, we would have the choice to treat this disorder for what it is, and rely on any book regardless of the author, and choose one of the stones treating this disorder, or seek the deep and true cause of what causes this imbalance. The first question that would be good and legitimate to ask in this case would be, why am I unable to fall asleep? or what is the state in me that prevents me from achieving this? and so on, from symptom to symptom. Very often, the sleep disorder is just the tree that hides the forest and on each primary symptom, we can choose to stick a label and leave it there, or decide to go back up the framework. 'to the true source, as one would do by going up and traversing the tree from the crown to the roots and from the roots to the rootlets and finally from the rootlets to the radicles.
As I told you above, very often sleep is only the final symptom through which a whole bunch of other underlying illnesses and more or less deeply buried in the unconscious, or in the unconscious subconscious, result. Behind sleep, many other somatic symptoms are often hidden, such as: fears or phobias, stress or anxiety, cogitations or ruminations, etc. For fears and phobias, for example, we can note the fear of the dark and darkness, as well as the fear of monsters or the phobia of clowns emerging from the closet or from under the bed. Fear and phobia that we can experience in many children during their tender years, from which I myself left in my time. From this new symptom, we can continue to trace the plot like this until we arrive at the very source of what could at any time have generated a psychological or psychosomatic imbalance.
Finally, to finish this long preamble, certain sleep disorders could be caused by telluric or magnetic disturbances or even by lunar or planetary cycles of greater or lesser energy, and here again it will be necessary to adapt the demand according to the cause. real and true, once it has been perfectly identified, hence the crucial interest in relying on a litho-therapist for the choice, advice and purchase of minerals, rather than on an average store selling crystals and minerals, as beautiful and shiny as the minerals offered are because let's not forget that not everything that glitters is necessarily gold.
Now let's get to the heart of the matter and address the list of crystals favorable for treating sleep disorders and promoting optimal rest. This list of crystals is only substantial, because unfortunately we will not be able to deal with them all in a single article, as the subject is so vast, and the causes and symptoms numerous.
- Combats insomnia and stress.
- The light it carries clarifies our perceptions and dissipates the fog that the ego creates through superfluous and unbalanced thoughts. The mind calms down and harmony settles within us and around us.
- Activate the neurovegetative system including the hypothalamus which governs sleep mechanisms.
- As everyone knows, Amber acts very actively against all ailments linked to the teeth and therefore therefore to the “Inside”. It will therefore calm teething attacks in infants but also against violent toothaches which could complicate sleep.
- Drive away anxiety or depressive states by warming the body with a gentle comforting heat.
- Acts against stress, which it alleviates, often also causing insomnia disorders.
- Against insomnia, use Amethyst. At night, carry an amethyst with you or place one under your pillow.
- Before you go to sleep, you can hold your amethyst in your hand and let it give you a feeling of relaxation. For example, you can imagine yourself in the center of a giant amethyst geode to reinforce your attention to the power of the stone.
- Amethyst soothes anxieties, tensions caused by nerves, stress. It protects against insomnia and worries, nightmares, it would also prevent snoring.
- It is known to help you remember your dreams better.
- Excellent for intuition, for beautiful, perfectly clear dreams and improves the quality of sleep.
- Activate the neurovegetative system including the hypothalamus which governs sleep mechanisms.
- Brings peace, gentleness and harmony.
The Angelite
- Connects us to our angels to lead us into a state of absolute serenity and guide our steps towards a calm and peaceful night.
- calms irritation, angry people, certain forms of stress and thus alleviates insomnia due to rumination.
- Works to calm anxiety and in some way provide emotional reassurance.
- Relaxes, soothes, but also helps to get rid of preconceived ideas and worries.
- Calms anger and strengthens self-control.
Fossil wood
- Soothes and deeply anchors leading to a state of calm and appeasement leading to restorative rest.
- Helps with nightmares, fears and insomnia.
Blue Chalcedony
- Soothes irritable and aggressive people but also people who are overworked and agitated, or who need to be accepting of what is new.
Blue Calcite
- To regulate insomnia caused by nighttime overactivity, place a raw blue calcite (around 500 grams) or a blue calcite (around 150 to 200 grams) under your pillow. If you wake up, hold her hand until you return to sleep.
- Very sweet. it promotes letting go and regulates insomnia caused by stress.
- If the presence of the stone bothers you at night, place it on the bedside table. Don't forget to soak your stone in a bowl of clean water during the day.
- Reconnect with our child and angelic dreams.
- Soothes the mind and brings you back to gentleness through letting go.
- Connects us to higher planes to lead us towards a serene night.
- Relieves and alleviates disorders such as worry and nervousness
- Frees the mind from parasitic thoughts or mental ruminations, which could affect sleep.
- Working with it on the solar plexus in the evening will bring better sleep and will be useful against nightmares.
- Is ideal for deep sleep.
- Chrysocolla will act by alleviating negative energies, driving away fears and calming thoughts.
- Promotes inner peace, instilling very positive energy in times of stress and change of mood.
- Soothes the mind and spirits torn by obsolete negative resentments.
- Reconnects to the heart in order to help us spend a calm, serene and soothing night
- Excellent for relaxation and deep sleep.
- Carnelian absorbs negative energies and provides a calming effect on angry or overly emotional people.
The Rock Crystal
- Rock crystal calms anxiety and neutralizes negative waves.
Kyanite or Dysthene
- Has a positive effect on sleep by improving it if this stone is placed under the pillow. It also has a role in purifying the body. It would be the stone of serene well-being, it facilitates peaceful sleep.
- Treats stress in general, which is one of the possible causes of sleep loss.
- Acts on the management of emotions, helping to soften and attenuate them.
- protects against nightmares while preserving the memory of dreams. It would promote intensive and creative dreams, premonitory dreams.
- Also improves the quality of dreams.
- Regulates insomnia due to mental overactivity. It is known to allow restorative and very deep sleep.
- It can be used in cases of insomnia alone or combined with an amethyst under the pillow.
The Herkimer
- Reduces stress before bed and connects to higher planes.
- Reduces stress and brings calm.
- possessing a very calming vibration, harmonizes and balances the entire body. It helps with sleep.
- Improves sleep by making it deep and pleasant and wards off nightmares.
(However, avoid the “nephrite jade” variety; its energizing properties could disrupt your nights.)
Lapis lazuli
- calms insomnia of nervous and anxious origins. (Please note: it can disrupt the sleep of certain people due to its energizing properties, to be tested)
- Helps to balance and stabilize the emotional and mental bodies through its amount of lithium. It is therefore very useful against nightmares and insomnia. We will place it under the pillow.
- Thanks to its lithium content, it will help us eliminate insomnia and avoid dwelling on these worries.
- Alleviates insomnia by lowering blood pressure and making breathing easier.
- It improves sleep for those who have to go to the toilet frequently at night.
- Improves sleep making it deep, removing nervousness linked to emotions. You should hold it in your hand for an hour before going to bed.
The Nuumite
- Beneficial for insomnia, tension, stress and insulin regulation.
The Sun Stone
- Is a hot stone that gives restful sleep and protects from nightmares.
- Keeps bad thoughts away.
- Soothes nightmares and deep fears.
Smoky Quartz
- Useful against nightmares.
Rose Quartz
- Stone of softness par excellence, it will rock your nights with the caress of cotton and plunge you into a comforting sleep. It is also known to soothe nighttime fears.
- Useful in cases of insomnia and depression.
- Ensures better recovery.
The Sapphire
- Under your pillow you can also place a sapphire.
- Calming stone which allows the baby to return to peaceful sleep. It is also appreciated by our pets in their resting place.
- Relaxes the nerves and chases away ruminating thoughts by anchoring the body effectively to fall more easily into sleep.
Blue tourmaline
- Useful for insomnia, night sweats, sinusitis.
Black Tourmaline
- Diverts energies such as static electricity, radio waves, electrical appliances and thus protects our sleep from these disturbances.
Golden Topaz
- It harmonizes and calms the nerves, and is part of the antidepressants and allows you to reduce your insomnia.
- It soothes, calms and relaxes the nerves and muscles and rests the eyes so that you can sleep peacefully for a restful night.
- Beneficial against insomnia and depression.