Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.



Presentation :


Names) :

  • Rhodochrosite.

Etymology :

  • From the Greek rhodon=rose and khroma=color.

Group, Family:

  • Calcite Group.  

Color :

  • Pink, Magenta, Red-magenta, Red-pink, Orange-pink, Red-brown | Massive variety in White and Pink festoons | sometimes Chatoyance or Asterism.


    • Vitreous to Pearly.

    Origin :

    • France, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, United States (Colorado), Peru, South Africa, etc.


    Crystal system:

    • Trigonal.

    Chemical composition :

    • Rhodochrosite: MnCO3 forms two series with Calcite:CaCO3 and Siderite: Fe2+CO3 | Coloring: Manganese in Mn2+ form in octahedral coordination.


    • Transparent, translucent to opaque.

    Density :

    • 3.30 to 3.70.

    Hardness :

    • 4.



    • Perfect.


    • Conchoidal, irregular.

    Line color:

    • White.

      Shock resistance:

      • Bad.

      Heat resistance:

      • Good .


      Stories and legends of Rhodochrosite:

      Its name comes from the Greek Rhodon which means "rose" and Chroma, "color".
      It was identified at the end of the 18th century by Cronstedt Bergmann and Kirwan under the name “Manganese oxidized by aerial acid”. In 1806, René Just Haüy described it as “carbonated oxidized manganese”. But it was Johann Friedrich Ludwig Hausmann who gave it its definitive name of rhodochrosite in 1813.

      Rhodochrosite It is also found under the names of diallogite, iron carbonate manganese, oxidized manganese cSarbonate, manganese oxidized by aerial acid, rhodocrosite, torrensite, villaurite
      In its pure form, rhodochrosite is reddish-pink, but it is very rare in this form. Due to the impurities it contains, it varies from pink to light brown tones, with white bands.

      It is formed by deposits of manganese carbonate, with traces of iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, cobalt and cadmium. Manganese dissolves in water during infiltration underground and is reformed in particular with carbonate, most often in the form of stalactites in caves.

      It is used in ornamentation, jewelry and is a key element in the preparation of inexpensive stainless steel and certain aluminum alloys.
      The Alma King is the largest rhodochrosite crystal discovered. Found in 1992 in Colorado in the United States, it measures 14 x 16.5 cm.

      “Alma King” Rhodochrosite Cube.

      This spectacular Rhodochorsite (MnCO3) crystal, known as "Alma King" measures 14cm x 16.5cm. The perfect rhombohedron was found in the wall of a narrow pocket on a matrix of white quartz, transparent needle, blue fluorite, black sphalerite and tetrahedrite, fathom chalcopyrite and pale yellow calcite. The “Alma King” was collected in 1992 from the Sweet Home Mine, located approximately 90 miles southwest of Denver, Colorado, near the small mining town of Alma. Sweet Home Mine was originally opened as a silver mine in the 1870s and was operated until the 1960s. Throughout the life of the mine, beautiful specimens of rhodochrosite were found along with the silver ore, but they were not used commercially. In 1991, the mine was reopened as a rhodochrosite specimen.

      Rhodochrosite Rhodochrosites from the Sweet Home Mine are gem quality crystals due to their translucent cherry red color, which is due to the relatively low amount of iron, magnesium and calcium impurities. Note that when calcium, magnesium and especially iron ions substitute for manganese, a pink color results. Many experts hail the “Alma King” as the most valuable and valuable mineral specimen ever mined in North America. Rhodochrosite became the Colorado State Mineral in 2002.
      The "Alma King" can be seen in the permanent exhibit in the Coors Mineral Hall at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, Colorado.
      The Incas considered rhodochrosite to be the blood of their ancient leaders, fossilized, hence the name "Inca rose" sometimes used.


      Physical virtues:

      • Promotes recovery after intensive care.
      • Helps fight food addictions and anorexia.
      • Circulatory system.
      • Very useful for people suffering from Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, allowing them to control their movements, and to reduce disordered movements over time. It will be combined with green or yellow fluorite for the treatment of these two diseases.
      • Regulates blood pressure problems.


      • Supports the functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver and circulation.
      • Useful in the treatment of lumbago and gallbladder.
      • and asthma.
      • Good for the heart (regulates its functioning) and all respiratory problems such as asthma, blood circulation and a good balance of the thyroid (in case of hypo or hyperthyroidism problem, it is appropriate to use either an acute marine, a sodalite, a dumortierite, an indigolite, a blue chalcedony, a cordierite, an emerald...).
      • Effectively strengthens the liver, pancreas and rate.
      • Treats diabetes and liver diseases (area, pancreas and liver).
      • Helps treat gastric ulcers, combined with amethyst.
      • Effectively treats problems of sexual organs. Very useful for balancing moods during andropause and menopause.
      • Strengthens visual acuity and eye problems. Add a herkimer diamond for a more powerful effect.
      • Combined with sapphire and aventurine, this stone helps eliminate impurities and irritations from the skin.
      • Treats and soothes migraines.
      • Helps fight asthma.
      • Helps fight respiratory problems.
      • Promotes libido.
      Rhodochrosite stalagtite

      Virtues on the psychic, emotional and mental levels:

      • Beneficial against psychosomatic illnesses and to release fears.
      • Generating feelings of love and tenderness, it suppresses nightmares.
      • Helps improve relationships between children and parents.
      • Helps not to lie to yourself, to accept yourself better, allowing free will.
      • Promotes self-esteem.
      • Promotes expression and the free expression of feelings and passionate or sensual desires.
      • Promotes optimism and helps restore a taste for life and self-love, essential for regaining that of others.
      • Helps combat feelings of despondency and depression.
      • Helps fight fears irrational.
      • Helps fight against psychosomatic illnesses and to release fears.
      • Promotes the release of emotional disorders of all our problems, worries, sorrows, traumas (ill-treatment, rape, sexual abuse, victims of pedophile acts, etc.).
      • Makes you happy, dynamic, gives heart to the work, lightening daily tasks.
      • Acts mainly on feelings, problems concerning relationships, love worries, particularly in cases of extreme jealousy, when the mind becomes incapable of sorting things out, refusing to admit the often banal reality and inventing an imaginary story which becomes the only truth that can be heard.


      • Excellent stone for attracting Love to the heart chakra to facilitate romantic encounters and affection.
      • Associated with malachite, helps balance and harmonize the heart chakra.
      • Placed at the sacral chakra in association with an orange topaz to let go, relax and let your emotions and feelings flow freely.
      • Rhodochrosite acts on stress and nervousness, when placed in the Solar plexus chakra.

      Cleaning, recharging, reprogramming:

      • Cleaning with clear spring water or filtered water (never salt in the water. Salt alters the structure of the mineral and damages it). Soak the mineral overnight in an unmarked glass container, and then take it out in the morning to rinse it with new spring or filtered water. 
      • Direct recharge on a crystal or amethyst druse, in a crystal or amethyst geode. You can also place a dozen laser or rock crystals in a circle (like a time dial), points toward the center, and place your minerals in the center to recharge them. Another method, place your minerals in a singing bowl: Tibetan or crystal bowl, (on a cotton cloth to avoid bowl/mineral vibrations), then ring the bowl to fill your minerals with this sound energy. Last method, place your minerals on a disc (wood or mineral) engraved with the flower of life or the seal of Solomon or any other forms of sacred geometry. 
      • Reprogramming: Reprogramming consists not of telling your mineral what it should or should not do, but of putting the mineral in resonance with you to ask it to do what it should do, for you. Reprogramming must be done after each cleaning and must remain simple. Example of reprogramming: "I ask this mineral to bring me all the virtues and benefits on different levels, for my greatest good as well as for the greatest good of the people around me." 

        © Copyright 2008

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        Regular price 51,98€
        Sale price 51,98€
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        Présentation : Nom(s) : Rhodochrosite. Étymologie  : Du grec rhodon=rose et khroma=couleur. Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Calcites.   Couleur : Rose, Magenta, Rouge-magenta, Rouge-rose, Or...
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        Sale price 43,32€
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        Présentation : Nom(s) : Rhodochrosite. Étymologie  : Du grec rhodon=rose et khroma=couleur. Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Calcites.   Couleur : Rose, Magenta, Rouge-magenta, Rouge-rose, Or...
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        Sale price 35,11€
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        Présentation : Nom(s) : Rhodochrosite. Étymologie  : Du grec rhodon=rose et khroma=couleur. Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Calcites.   Couleur : Rose, Magenta, Rouge-magenta, Rouge-rose, Or...
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        Sale price 31,95€
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        Présentation : Nom(s) : Rhodochrosite. Étymologie  : Du grec rhodon=rose et khroma=couleur. Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Calcites.   Couleur : Rose, Magenta, Rouge-magenta, Rouge-rose, Or...
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        Sale price 50,16€
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        Présentation : Nom(s) : Rhodochrosite. Étymologie  : Du grec rhodon=rose et khroma=couleur. Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Calcites.   Couleur : Rose, Magenta, Rouge-magenta, Rouge-rose, Or...
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        Sale price 26,95€
        Regular price
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        Présentation : Nom(s) : Rhodochrosite. Étymologie  : Du grec rhodon=rose et khroma=couleur. Groupe, Famille : Groupe des Calcites.   Couleur : Rose, Magenta, Rouge-magenta, Rouge-rose, Or...