Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli

Presentation :

Names) :

  • Lazurite* / Lapis lazuli (Lazurite rock).


  • Lazurite: From Persian lazaward=blue (Brögger, 1890).

Group, Family:

  • Lazurite: Sodalite Group.

Color :

  • Blue, Dark blue, Blue-mauve, Blue-greenish.


  • Vitreous to Resinous to Mast.

Origin :

  • Afghanistan, Tajikistan (Pamirs), United States, Mongolia, Chile (Andes), Italy, Myanmar, etc.

Crystal system:

  • Lazurite: Cube.

Chemical composition :

  • Lazurite: (Na,Ca)8Al6Si6O24[(SO4),S,Cl,(OH)]2 | Coloring: Lazurite: Blue: Sulfur S3- in the form of colored charge/center transfer.


  • Opaque lazurite rock | Translucent on thin thicknesses.

Density :

  • Deviation Rating: 2.38 to 3.00 because: Lapis lazuli: 2.6 to 2.9 or higher if lots of pyrite.
  • Lazurite alone: ​​2.38 to 2.45.

Hardness :

  • 5 to 6.


  • Null.


  • Lazurite: Conchoidal, Grainy.
  • Lapis lazuli: None to Patchy.

Line color:

  • Light blue.

Shock resistance:

  • Sensitive.

Heat resistance:

  • Bad fusibility and/or color change.

Properties and virtues:

Physical virtues:

  • Effective against disorders of the immune system and endocrine glands.
  • Antipyretic (it helps to reduce fever).
  • Useful on small household burns.
  • Treats and soothes allergies.
  • Treats hair dandruff problems.
  • Calms ear pain.
  • Helps fight disorders of the immune system and endocrine glands.
  • Helps fight skin problems such as herpes, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis as well as hair dandruff.
  • Helps regulate problems related to the thyroid gland.
  • Promotes the ENT sphere, helps fight sore throats, headaches and earaches.
  • Helps alleviate heart arrhythmia problems. 

Psychological, emotional and mental virtues:

  • Soothes nervous or depressed people.
  • Helps introverts gain confidence and step outside of themselves.
  • Promotes communication and frees expression.
  • Increases eloquence.
  • Relieves stress, soothes and calms the nerves.
  • Helps fight chronic depression.
  • Promotes empathy, compassion.
  • Rebalances emotional disorders due to trauma.
  • Favors joy and enthusiasm and helps to see life on the bright side.
  • Promotes self-esteem and helps regain self-confidence.
  • Promotes fluidity in exchanges.
  • Promotes expression and clear, calm communication.
  • Promotes discernment and intuition. 

Spiritual virtues:

  • Strongly purifies the Body but especially the Mind.
  • Raise the Soul.
  • Promotes reconnection to the higher “Self” while helping to find one’s place within the universe.
  • Promotes activation of the pineal gland, 3rd eye.
  • Facilitates clairvoyance as well as clairsentience.
  • Helps develop parapsychic abilities.
  • Helps develop mediumship gifts.

Chakras :

  • 3rd eye chakra, clairvoyance and opening of the 3rd eye.
  • Chakra throat, expression.
  • Master heart chakra, healing problems of tension and cardiac arrhythmia.


  • Useful elixirs to make in so-called indirect mode, against severe migraines
  • Useful elixirs to make in so-called indirect mode, against skin disorders (eczema, herpes, dandruff.)

Cleaning, recharging, reprogramming:

  • Cleaning with clear spring water or filtered water (never salt in the water. Salt alters the structure of the mineral and damages it). Soak the mineral overnight in an unmarked glass container, and then take it out in the morning to rinse it with new spring or filtered water. 
  • Direct recharge on a crystal or amethyst druse, in a crystal or amethyst geode. You can also place a dozen laser or rock crystals in a circle (like a time dial), points toward the center, and place your minerals in the center to recharge them. Another method, place your minerals in a singing bowl: Tibetan or crystal bowl, (on a cotton cloth to avoid bowl/mineral vibrations), then ring the bowl to fill your minerals with this sound energy. Last method, place your minerals on a disc (wood or mineral) engraved with the flower of life or the seal of Solomon or any other forms of sacred geometry. 
  • Reprogramming: Reprogramming consists not of telling your mineral what it should or should not do, but of putting the mineral in resonance with you to ask it to do what it should do, for you. Reprogramming must be done after each cleaning and must remain simple. Example of reprogramming: "I ask this mineral to bring me all the virtues and benefits on different levels, for my greatest good as well as for the greatest good of the people around me." 

© Copyright 2009

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Presentation : Names) : Lazurite* / Lapis lazuli (Lazurite rock). Etymology: Lazurite: From Persian lazaward=blue (Brögger, 1890). Group, Family: Lazurite: Sodalite G...
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Presentation : Names) : Lazurite* / Lapis lazuli (Lazurite rock). Etymology: Lazurite: From Persian lazaward=blue (Brögger, 1890). Group, Family: Lazurite: Sodalite Gr...
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Presentation : Names) : Lazurite* / Lapis lazuli (Lazurite rock). Etymology: Lazurite: From Persian lazaward=blue (Brögger, 1890). Group, Family: Lazurite: Sodalite Gr...
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Presentation : Names) : Lazurite* / Lapis lazuli (Lazurite rock). Etymology: Lazurite: From Persian lazaward=blue (Brögger, 1890). Group, Family: Lazurite: Sodalite Gr...
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Presentation : Names) : Lazurite* / Lapis lazuli (Lazurite rock). Etymology: Lazurite: From Persian lazaward=blue (Brögger, 1890). Group, Family: Lazurite: Sodalite Gr...