Presentation :
- Etymology: Phosphosiderite in its etymology means that it is made up of Phosphate (Phospho) and Iron (Sidêros = Iron in ancient Greek.)
- Composition: Rare mineral composed of hydrated iron phosphate, Variscite group. Phosphosiderite is a mineral composed of phosphate and iron. Its astonishing purple color makes it unique because usually, iron-based minerals give rather brown, red or yellow tones.
- Color: Very soft mix of lavender, mauve, violet, it is often ribbed with yellow threads.
Properties and virtues:
Physical virtues:
- Regeneration stone in case of fever, or failure of the immune system.
- Improves the circulation of vital energy in the physical body.
- Treats skin and hair due to its iron content.
- Very beneficial for the liver.
Psychological, emotional and mental virtues:
- Stone of healing and hope, it promotes balance and stability.
- De-energizes anger and negative emotional reactions, infusing joy into the physical and karmic body.
- Placed on the heart chakra or carried on the hand, it reduces and calms anxiety.
- Helps to regain self-confidence, in particular by helping to discern right from wrong.
- Treats overwork, depression and feelings of exhaustion.
- Soothes and calms the mind in situations of intense stress.
- Helps you find sleep during difficult nights.
Spiritual virtues:
- Healing stone which resonates on all Chakras, deploys all its power at the spiritual level.
- Opens the upper chakras and subtle bodies to assimilate high energy.
- Accesses Akashic records and past lives, making it easier to objectively view past events without getting trapped in emotional drama.
- Master heart chakra and higher chakras.
- Useful for unblocking the crown chakra as well as the heart chakra.
- Chile, Argentina, Germany, Portugal, United States.