Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.




  • Angelite is the modern name given to anhydrite, the term anhydrite means without water, while angelite is a name that comes more from the energetic effects of the stone favoring communication with higher planes. It is a pale to deep blue stone, it is found mainly in Italy.
  • Variety of anhydrite frequently colorless or white to gray, sometimes bluish to pinkish but more often light blue in color, composed of natural calcium sulfate (CaSO4). Evaporite group.
  • It contains water-soluble mineral salts.
  • Hardness: 3-3.5. Specific weight: 2.98.
  • Luster: vitreous to pearly. Transparency: transparent to translucent.
  • Breakage: any.(...). Density: 2.97.

On a physical level:

  • Promotes acceptance of one's physical body, it is necessary to accept one's material and carnal condition, otherwise the frustrations, unhappiness and illnesses that result from it will not take long to appear.
  • Reduces bloating and water retention.
  • Throat inflammations. Atrophied thymus (allows it to be re-energized).
  • Balances the thyroid and parathyroid.
  • Her energy is feminine, tender and gentle. Promotes milk flow in young mothers and helps avoid post-natal depression.
  • For children who often cry at night, soothes and chases away their sorrow.
  • Relieves burns by applying it to them.
  • Help with rest.
  • Used against bone fractures, cavities, brittle nails and rheumatism. Favorable to recalcification, helps children's growth
  • Repairs tissues and blood vessels.
  • Balances body fluids, acts as a diuretic (Useful for weight control).
  • Particularly linked to the lungs and arms.
  • Weakness of hemoglobin: to be placed in this case on the Racin chakra

On an emotional & spiritual level:

  • It is a stone of calm and communication, sensitive people can with this stone strengthen their bond with their spiritual guides, establish communication which will depend on the dispositions of each person. Some will have direct auditory communication, others visions, others signs, still others dream communications. Angelite promotes the qualities of patience and inner peace.
  • Its name suggests gentle, humble qualities, and symbolizes our pure childish soul.
  • Reassuring for babies in their room: brings a feeling of security.
  • Transforms and heals all psychic pain, facilitates the process of rebirth.
  • Creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility, security.
  • Helps us connect to universal knowledge, Akashic memories, increases awareness.
  • As an elixir, promotes perception during channeling and meditation (application to the frontal chakra to open it). Aids in telepathic communication.
  • On a psychological level, helps to affirm one's own truth, whatever it may be.
  • Encourages you to be more compassionate and accept the inevitable. Alleviates psychological pain and neutralizes cruelty. On a mental level, helps in understanding astrology and mathematics.
  • Angelite is one of the stones of awareness. Represents peace and fraternity, as its name suggests, it facilitates conscious contact with the angelic kingdom. Strengthens telepathic communication and promotes extracorporeal journeys while maintaining contact with daily reality.


  • Throat chakra (creative consciousness, communication).
  • To hold or place on the body as needed.


  • Being a stone sensitive to water, it will lose all its luster and shine if you immerse it. It will then be preferable to rinse it quickly under a stream of water and dry it with a soft cloth before placing it in the soft light of day, on a mat of Himalayan salt which will absorb the excess water.
  • If you don't want to soak it, you can place it directly on a Himalayan salt mat to clean it.


  • Rising sun or setting sun
  • Amethyst or rock crystal geode or druse.
  • Tibetan or Crystal singing bowl
  • Flower of life and other wave form or sacred geometry
  • Pyramid bedroom of the king (recharging and raising the vibration rate).


Peru. Santo Domingo. Great Britain, Egypt, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Libya.

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Presentation : Names) : Anhydrite* angelite variety. Etymology: From the Greek anhudros = without water, unlike gypsum which contains water (Werner, 1803). Color : L...
Regular price 13,27€
Sale price 13,27€
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Presentation : Names) : Anhydrite* angelite variety. Etymology: From the Greek anhudros = without water, unlike gypsum which contains water (Werner, 1803). Color : L...
Regular price 26,28€
Sale price 26,28€
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Presentation : Names) : Anhydrite* angelite variety. Etymology: From the Greek anhudros = without water, unlike gypsum which contains water (Werner, 1803). Color : Lig...
Regular price 42,21€
Sale price 42,21€
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Presentation : Names) : Anhydrite* angelite variety. Etymology: From the Greek anhudros = without water, unlike gypsum which contains water (Werner, 1803). Color : Lig...
Regular price 11,70€
Sale price 11,70€
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Presentation : Names) : Anhydrite* angelite variety. Etymology: From the Greek anhudros = without water, unlike gypsum which contains water (Werner, 1803). Color : L...
Regular price 10,03€
Sale price 10,03€
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Presentation : Names) : Anhydrite* angelite variety. Etymology: From the Greek anhudros = without water, unlike gypsum which contains water (Werner, 1803). Color : L...