Magnetic and electromagnetic waves:
The knowledge and detection of mysterious underground energies have always been part of the Feng Shui tradition of ancient China, before being taken up today by the trend of geobiology. During the time of ancient China, the earth was thought to be crisscrossed by underground waterways called the Dragon Veins or "Lung Mai". Watercourses which served to cleanse the body of the earth of all its impurities, and to provide it with nourishing elements, a bit like our own blood system would do throughout our body.
This underground network was accompanied by a whole system of currents in the atmosphere which transported "Qi" or rather telluric energy, in other words, the earth's energy field.
These are the underground meridians (Mai) whose flow has become stagnant or polluted which transport the “Sha Qi” or harmful energy. So these channels of “Sha Qi” are sick “Lung Mai”.
The causes of these disturbances are very often found in natural geological features such as underground watercourses, mineral deposits, radon pockets, Hartmann and Curry network etc., but also in the changes brought about by the intervention such as: underground galleries, railways, highways, tunnels, heavy industry, electrical or nuclear stations, the list is long and endless.
There is also a well-known connection between the lines of "Sha Qi" and traumas that affect the subtle energy body of the earth, such as actions perpetrated on battlefields or historical sites of executions and torture, pyres and gallows. These places retain a lot of "Sha Qi" which is then transported by the "Lung Mai" because yes indeed, let's not forget, everything encodes an energy and everything keeps a memory engraved forever.
I think after this little preamble, that we will be numerous and unanimous concerning this vast scourge which is that of the dizzying expansion of Linky, Gazpar, Wifi, 3G, 4G, 5G meters, relay antennas or even the waves emitted by our ovens microwaves, to say that the nuisances that go with them are the result of many disturbances on the environmental and even physical or psychological levels. The waves emanating from this new technology, invading us and weakening us little by little, slowly but surely.
Our state of health deteriorates, new suffering, and new symptoms are added, and we discover to the extreme this new pathology that is Electro Hyper Sensitivity (EHS).
Beyond the physical suffering that these waves bring us, we must add the inability of modern medicine to treat and relieve this illness that it does not recognize or barely recognizes.
Indeed, not content with already having to undergo the waves emitted by the Earth itself, which we speak of in terms of geopathic stress, we must undergo those added by man in search of more technology in order to move towards a better life.
This situation is quite paradoxical, don’t you think? Indeed, if we consider that what is supposed to make our life better, in fact makes it less and less good for us, or at least, less good for our organism and for the environment in which we evolve.
In order to better understand this new scourge that we are experiencing, we will start by seeing together what this thing that we call "geopathic stress" really is, which is one of the reasons for our problems on the bioenergetic level, and how it acts on us and to what extent. We will then see the many solutions to protect ourselves as well as how to protect ourselves from artificial electromagnetic waves emitted by our numerous everyday devices but also from various equipment (relay antennas, Linky or Gazpar meters, etc.). Of course, through the few solutions on the mineral level, we will see together which is the most effective.
What is geopathic stress?
Geopathic stress is, in a few words, the stress that our body undergoes because of electromagnetic disturbances or changes in the frequencies of our Earth. This geopathic stress acting on our body can be harmful in many ways in our daily lives.
Indeed, a person residing in an area of high geopathic disorders such as in the city for example, can see their physical, mental or psychological state change in a negative way, unlike a person residing in the countryside and therefore far from any form of geopathic pollution. and other. Which doesn't mean that in the countryside we are perfectly protected either.
In the 1920s, studies begun by German researchers Winzer and Melzer and the NASA Office of Standards provided proof in 1962 that the Earth had an electro-magnetic frequency of 7.83 Hertz. Thus, when the first space missions were launched, it was discovered that astronauts suffered from discomfort as soon as they left the influence of the Earth's natural energy field. Indeed, over a period of several million years, the human being, in particular his immune system, has developed in harmony with this frequency of 7.83 Hertz, and reacts negatively as soon as it is altered. .
Gustav von Pohl, who studied the problem of geopathic zones, claimed that there was a factor between sick people and the geopathic zones where they resided. In 1976 (according to other sources in 1960) Ernst Hartmann published the book “Disease linked to where we live”.
Later K. Bachler cites a certain number of signs demonstrating that people found in the geopathogenic zone could notice numerous symptoms on their condition and health.
Unfortunately, diseases of humans but also of animals or plants often go hand in hand with their place of residence or stay and in fact, geopathic phenomena are sometimes the cause of dysfunctions in the body leading to manifestations very diverse pathological conditions such as:
- Insomnia, nightmares or even difficulty falling asleep.
- Fatigue during the day but also after a night's sleep.
- Joint and muscle pain.
- Migraines, headaches.
- Imbalance and disorder of the neuronal system.
- Vegetative and digestive disorders.
- Feelings of irritability or even mood swings which can lead to violent attacks of hysteria or anger.
- Discomfort, pressure, anxiety or even depression.
- Grinding of teeth.
- Loss of appetite.
- Metabolic dysfunction.
- Organic dysfunction.
- Fibromyalgia, cramps, frequent aches.
- non-restorative sleep.
- Genitourinary system disorder.
- Hypertension.
Hepatic insufficiency.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Rheumatism.
- Osteoarthritis.
And the list is long, this being just one example of various and varied symptoms. Therefore, in all therapeutic diagnostics, we should begin by questioning the various geopathic causes in all chronic diseases. Especially in cases where they constantly resist different therapies or simply when we have the impression that something is bothering us or that we do not feel good in our living space or in our environment. Likewise when following a move, we see our condition change completely.
What can be the causes of this geopathic stress?
To begin with, you should know that there are several energy fields that can be the cause of what we call geopathic stress. We will thus have:
- the field of natural origin. This field will bring together water sources, mineral sources, but also the Hartmann or Curry networks for the best known.
- The field of artificial origin. This field will bring together everything that comes from man such as for example high frequency waves ( Linky, Gazpar meters, 5g, 4g, 3g relay antennas, mobile telephony, landline or cordless telephone, Bluetooth, wifi, microwave waves, etc.) but also low frequency waves (high voltage lines, ballast of fluorescent tubes, low consumption bulbs, currents induced by 220 V conductors, etc.)
How can waterways or mineral deposits become a nuisance?
Water can be: destructive, purifying, source of life, healing, protective or regenerative. In this very present case, it is the most powerful catalyst and conductor of telluric energy but in addition to being an incredible source of conductivity, it also creates current through the phenomenon of friction on the shore lines, but we let's see that a little further.
To understand a little better what will follow, we should return for a moment to the functioning of our planet and the way in which it is powered or rather self-powered.
Indeed, our planet is made up of several layers starting with the internal terrestrial core which we will call the seed with a diameter of 2440 km, composed of iron and nickel. This, despite its temperature of 5500°c, is solid due to very high pressure. This core is enveloped by the outer core, with a thickness of 2240 km, which has approximately the same iron and nickel composition as the inner core, but which on the other hand is liquid due to lower pressure.
Through the effect of the Earth's rotation, the Earth's internal core and the external core come into friction due to the two cores rotating at different speeds. From this friction born what we call the "Dynamo" effect and from this dynamo effect which results in what we call an abrasion of electrons, born in turn, the earth's electric field which will generate geobiological networks electric, generating the earth's magnetic field.
The Earth's magnetic field is in fact what we call the magnetic shield, also called the double Van Hallen belt (one located in the northern hemisphere and the other in the southern hemisphere) and which protects our planet from corpuscles ( protons, neutrons, electrons) coming from the sun but also dangerous radiation (x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, infrared, ultraviolet [UVA, UVB, UVC]).
Inside magnetic fields, energy is structured as a kind of mesh like the meshes of a net. These meshes being electrical or electromagnetic in nature, they cause imbalances in our bio-fields and in our energy bodies, the body itself being powered by a supply of electricity and electrical impulses. Moreover, as proof that our body reacts well to the electrical impulse and that it is well supplied by electrical energy, the heart needs the help of electroshocks to be able to restart in the event of a heart attack. Likewise, a pacemaker can be used in the event of cardiac deficiency to supply the heart with electrical impulses necessary for its proper functioning.
- The Hartmann network being an electrical network as we have just seen, it will create disturbances in our bio-fields and will therefore cause problems with the electrical impulses emitted by our body itself. The disturbances will be for example on the heart which as we have seen, needs electrical impulses to beat, but also on the coordination of gestures and movements (the gestures and movements being controlled in turn, by an impulse electric). For example, severe cramps may be felt as well as a number of other symptoms, such as the neuronal system which could be affected.
- The Curry network acting on iron and therefore on the free circulation of iron contained in our body and in particular in hemoglobin and red blood cells, will cause problems in the blood circulatory system. In addition, our brain, between the temporal lobes but also at the eyebrow level, contains approximately 5 million micro magnetite crystals per gram of brain. Consequently, the Curry network could be harmful for electrosensitive people and cause a number of pathologies and neuronal imbalances.
To now return to water which is a powerful catalyst but also a powerful conductor of energy, it will easily and without difficulty conduct harmful energies, as long as our house is placed above a source or nearby, without also mentioning the problems of differences in electrical potential that we find vertically on the banks of watercourses due to the friction of the water against the walls in the basement which also constitutes electrical attacks. . Yes, water, through this friction, also in turn emits an electric field.
Of course, there are also the problems of groundwater pollution, the quality of groundwater being very closely linked to that of surface water. The pesticides massively used for decades in intensive cultivation infiltrate into the soil and are found today in the form of residues which accentuate the effects of groundwater sources. Ultimately, this water will also have an impact on our health if we drink it as is without a filtration system suitable for heavy metals, herbicides or pesticides or the chlorine that we use to treat the water before consumption.
What are Hartmann or Curry networks?
As seen a little above, Hartmann or Curry networks are in fact energy meshes acting on geobiology but also on our energy fields. One acting on the electrical plane and the other on the magnetic plane. Electromagnetic or electric fields are everywhere, they are invisible and odorless, which of course does not mean that they are without dangers.
For geobiologists, each Hartmann, Curry or other network is attributed to a particular metal contained in the Earth's underground pockets. These networks thus form a more or less large mesh or framework spanning the globe. Thus we will have the Hartmann network which corresponds to nickel, the Curry network which corresponds to iron, the Peyré network which corresponds to gold, the Palm network which corresponds to copper etc.
The most easily discernible networks are the Hartmann and Curry networks. The lines of each network form a framework similar to the meshes of a net.
The Hartmann network as seen before, is for more precision, a network of electrical origin which is a component of the earth's electric field. This can be affected by the compression of rocks (piezoelectric effects). The thickness of the partitions of this Hartmann network can increase considerably before earthquakes; animals (much more sensitive than us) generally perceive the changes 24 hours in advance on average.
- The width of the nickel network lines are approximately 20 to 22 cm. The distance between the lines is 2 m to 2 m 50. Their orientation is normally North/South-East/West.
- The telluric crossings in question are the junction points of these lines of force. Often called geopathogenic points or Hartmann's Knot .
The Curry network is a network of magnetic origin. The friction of the liquid outer core of the terrestrial globe on its solid inner core causes the earth's electric field which, in turn, through the "dynamo effect" will generate the earth's magnetic field. The latter is known to everyone thanks to the compass which works by this magnetic field.
- The lines of the iron network have an approximate width of 40 to 50cm. The distance between approximately 3.50 to 8 m on sides. Their orientation is at 45° relative to the North/South-East/West directions.
Although for my part I would like to be sensitive to the Peyré network for the positive effects that gold would undoubtedly bring to my wallet, for geobiologists, the nickel and iron networks are those that we feel the best. They can have harmful effects on health, especially if you find yourself above a line crossing. The more networks cross, the greater the harmful effects.
Crossing of Hartman and Curry networks.
Therefore, if we are placed on one of these networks or both superimposed, it will not be surprising to feel the effects and inconveniences on our state of being as well as on our health and throughout our organism. Likewise, if our bed is poorly positioned, we may experience discomfort or difficulty when falling asleep.
Unfortunately, as said previously, telluric causes are not the only ones and it would be a shame to blame everything on this good old Earth which has carried us for so long from birth to our death, especially since many its disturbances and disturbances are due to what we do by destroying our environment. So-called natural causes, on the other hand, will only amplify everything we do on the surface, especially thanks to the natural mesh of metals (natural deposits) or those placed and forgotten by man (pipes, tunnels, metro, foundation reinforcement, etc. . ).
Indeed, the human cause is also a source of many inconveniences on our environment and de facto on our state of being as well as on our energetic, physical, psychological, psychological and even parapsychic health, for people working in fields very specific and having certain forms of faculties or innate or acquired gifts, who will be deprived of their gifts or restricted in their development.
So to roughly summarize everything we have just seen together in order to make the information clearer and easier to understand, the Earth is a receiver but also a transmitter of energy through the dynamo effect produced by the abrasion of neutrons caused by friction of the internal hard core and the external liquid core. This is then traversed by various networks such as a mesh (Hartmann network, Curry network, Peyré network, Palm network etc.) Due to this energy that these networks produce, a magnetic and electric current perceptible by the electrosensitives is generated and this adds to the earth's magnetic and electric fields by amplifying them.
These currents or magnetic and electric fields are then amplified by waterways but also by different deposits of metals or minerals. This is then amplified by any human-installed structures underground or above ground, and ultimately further amplified through the devices we use. In addition, electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog), of which LINKY is a part, increases the aggressiveness of terrestrial electromagnetic networks.
Furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, the pollution of our soils has an additional impact on telluric energies as well as on the different terrestrial magnetic or electric fields, but also on our bioenergetic field and the way in which we assimilate these different fields throughout our body, since the surface water we drink is rarely different from the polluted water in our groundwater and underground sources.
spring water which after electrolysis separates the heavy metals it contains.
This should make you better understand the need and the importance of protecting yourself from these numerous causes of disturbances, responsible for many ills as described a little earlier in this article, both at the physical level. as psychological, emotional, mental, environmental and spiritual levels, all of these levels being linked together.
Medicine has recently recognized the impact of waves on our health. Some scientists have even alerted health and medical institutions as well as the WHO for several years
Numerous scientific studies demonstrate the risks of overexposure to electromagnetic fields omnipresent in our environment. (see documentation in WHO reports and publications)
Since 2004, the European Union, Switzerland and Finland have financed the “Reflex” project: 12 laboratories expose human and animal cells to mobile phone radio frequencies. During his conference on 01/10/2007 within the framework of the Open University on the Forum of Scientists in Gelsenkirchen, Professor Franz Adlkofer presented for the first time his results concerning research on the consequences of UMTS radiation on cells human. Prof. Franz Adlkofer, coordinator of the research program, concludes that “electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phones cause breaks in DNA. »"DNA strand cuts appear at only 1/40th of the limit values, UMTS signals are almost ten times more efficient than GSM."
Dr. Jean Pilette testifies that “mobile telephone antennas, mobile phones and wireless devices constitute a real danger for human health” (report “Mobile telephone antennas, wireless technologies and health” of November 6, 2008)
Professor BELPOMME who set up reception and information on EHS
In Sweden: the study by FEYCHTING Z ALHBOM from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm concerns a population of 436,000 people living less than 300 m from a high-voltage line between 1960 and 1985. This study concludes that there is a proportional increase in the risk of leukemia in children under 15 years of age, depending on the intensity of the magnetic field to which they are subjected.
- For an average exposure greater than 1mG, the relative risk is 2.0 times greater.
- For an average exposure greater than 2mG, the relative risk is 2.7 times greater.
- For an average exposure greater than 3mG, the relative risk is 3.8
Result: no more high voltage lines can be installed within 75 meters of a home or school and magnetic fields must not exceed 2 milli gauss.
In France, the maximum authorized threshold is 1,000 milli gauss, or 500 times more than in Sweden….
In Germany: the German government recommends the use of wired connections for health reasons, which provide greater technical reliability while preserving health. The European Parliament and the Council of Europe also advocate the abandonment of WI-FI
The Bioinitiative report recommends limits of 0.2µT for the magnetic field and 10V/m for the electric field.
Electricity is the basis for the activity of vital functions: the heart, the brain, the muscles which are controlled by electrical signals. Our electromagnetic environment can influence the electrical phenomena occurring naturally in the functioning of living organisms and the human body in particular.
Electromagnetic fields induce electrical currents in the body that may interfere with the body's natural currents and thus cause biological effects as well as health disorders.
Sensitivity, personal receptivity can obviously vary in large proportions depending on individuals, ranging from (apparent) insensitivity but for how long? to immediate allergy (EHS)
The risks depend on the intensity of the fields, the exposure time and the timing of this exposure as well as the sensitivity of the individual.
Children are more sensitive to wave radiation than adults.
Electromagnetic fields affect our immune defenses; these fields block, at night, the production of melatonin secreted by the pineal gland; However, this gland has a major role in managing our immune defenses.
Although at low electrical power, the particular frequency of WIFI emissions (~2450Mhz) make it particularly toxic because it is emitted constantly and accompanied by pulsed waves at extremely low frequency, which disrupt the electrical activity of the brain but also the system. immune endocrine. (Source agehs.)
Let's not forget in the case of the cell phone, that it emits waves that are already harmful to the brain but that on top of that, these waves are amplified by users wearing glasses. In fact, the arms of their glasses (unless they are made of carbon) act as amplifiers of these energies which are harmful to humans and to the brain, which I remind you, contains a huge number of magnetite crystals. Of course, the same is true for Bluetooth hands-free kits that you wear to your ear or AirPods, etc. Without forgetting those who wear hearing aids or other hearing aids, which will be incredible amplifiers driving harmful energies directly to the brain.
In conclusion of the first part of this article and before tackling the part concerning the solutions, I must note that twenty-five years of experience in energy medicine and lithotherapy confirm to me that there is a direct relationship between the place housing and certain illnesses and that it is always quite interesting to see how certain illnesses not or poorly diagnosed and which were not overcome, disappear after treatment of the land or the building, that is to say the place of life.
The interest in the causality of phenomena as well as both scientific and therapeutic knowledge, led me over time to question myself a little more about this path generally left aside by a good number of therapists, whatever be their areas of practice or skills.
What would be good alternatives to this scourge?
Now that we have been able to see some of the causes and symptoms of this scourge that are electromagnetic and electrical waves, which moreover is not new, or which only has the technology that we have added to it, we will see on the mineral level, the various possible solutions and which are the best.
There are certain crystals and minerals which have the ability to capture, like sponges, harmful electrical or electromagnetic energies that are harmful to our body as well as to our bioenergetic environment.
Among them, some will undoubtedly already know some of them.



- • The presence of fullerenes, Shungite is the only material, in its natural state, on Earth, to contain fullerenes, particular forms of existence of carbon recently discovered.
- • The presence of a very large number of elements necessary for the development of life. However, the two very dominant elements in quantity (over 90%) are carbon and silicon; from their combination probably comes the extent of the properties of Shungite.

Microscopic view of a group of fullerene with this particular cage shape.
In Russia, the beneficial effects of Shungite on Health have been known for a long time and it is also used very often. In the light of scientific studies over the last three decades, it appears that fullerenes have a depolluting effect, both on water (heavy metals, chlorinated derivatives, nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, etc.) and on air, polluted by the electrical and electromagnetic waves generated by computers, wifi, boxes, routers, cordless telephones, GSM, relay antennas, radars, etc. Several works have been devoted to this mineral with a thousand virtues for our environment as well as for our entire organism , in order to explain all the benefits accompanied by numerous study and research results.
Small advantage of this mineral, which has the practical side of not requiring any particular maintenance in terms of cleaning, reloading or reprogramming. However, if you feel the need, you can clean it two or three times a year. Indeed, shungite, unlike other crystals which store energy and release it due to lack of regular cleaning, transmutes energy and therefore does not keep or store any negative charge.
What to do and how to proceed to protect yourself with the power of crystals?
In order to protect your home from terrestrial electrical and electromagnetic energies as well as from the various Hartmann, Curry or other networks, you can create a network around your home, by placing a good-sized crystal in each corner of your living space. Ideally the size of a tennis ball for an apartment of 70m² and larger depending on the surface to be treated, up to the size of a grapefruit for a house of 100m². Beyond 100m² of surface area to be treated, it will be necessary to plan even larger. Do not hesitate to ask for advice on setting up such a protection network around your home.
To treat your drinking water, you can either filter your water using a filter jug filled with shungite, or use filters equipped with Shungite cartridges, to be connected to your general water supply or upstream of the faucet in his kitchen. Thus the water output will be perfectly pure water, free of heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides but also of chlorine and many other elements harmful to humans and consumption.
Concerning everyday devices (box, computer, TV, Linky or Gazpar meter, game console, microwave oven, etc.), it will be appropriate to place a block of sufficiently large size (the size of a grapefruit around each of these devices) and for the telephone, a plate stuck to the shell with double-sided tape will do the trick quite well. However, remember to remove your glasses when you call with your telephone or to put your mobile in speaker mode This will prevent the waves from going straight to the brain through your ear canal.
Finally and to finish, you can also carry Shungite on yourself, in jewelry or in your pockets, which will act as a shield against bad waves, whether natural or artificial.
Bonjour, Puis je savoir comment disposer la shunghite dans la chambre à coucher svp, afin d’éviter ces réseaux néfastes et que je puisse enfin dormir dans ma chambre (ce n’est pas le cas depuis mon emménagement il y a un an). Merci!
Bonjour et merci pour votre précieux articles.
Je vais me procurer de ce pas de la shunghite pour ma maison qui, je le ressent depuis que j’y vis il y a un an, me procure bien du mal être et de l’insomnie. Quand vous dites qu’il faut la placer dans chaque coin du lieu de vie, est ce qu’il faut en mettre dans chaque coin de toutes les pièces de la maison, ou seulement 4 qui entourent la maison? Je vous remercie pour cette précision.