Crystal Aqua Tanzine Aura

Tanzine aura quartz (lilac-blue quartz with purple reflections): rock crystal bombarded with gold, indium and nobium.
Its name was given to it because of its resemblance to tanzanite.
According to the latest scientific research, the indium with which this quartz is bombarded has anti-aging properties...
This crystal releases and heals emotional blockages, the suffering of the ego (personality), lifts the shield put in place at the level of the heart chakra so that we can once again open ourselves to unconditional love.
Helps to let go of stressful situations, to give up systematically wanting to control one's own life and those of others.
Makes us more confident in our own abilities and in the divine fulfillment of our desires for our highest good and that of all.

Beneficial for:
the regulation of the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the epiphysis, the assimilation of minerals, metabolism, migraine, sleep disorders, hyperactivity, the lungs, respiratory conditions, depression, inflammatory states, activation and regulation of the thyroid, fibromyalgia, lupus, diabetes, cancer, vision, glaucoma, genitourinary system, blood pressure, blood circulation, constitution and bone structure of the limbs, intestinal tract, pancreas, spleen and liver.

It can be used in the treatment of skin disorders, spinal misalignment, inflammations, fevers, and eye disorders.
Spiritual and esoteric plane:
amplifies or activates channeling capabilities.
Infuses its wearer with the Sacred Blue, Violet and Golden Ruby Rays but also carries the energies of the 12 rays depending on its use.

Aura Tanzine Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for developing one's latent psychic abilities and strengthening conscious connection with Spirit and feeling of oneness with All.
It is a very effective help for intuitives of all kinds, mediums, shamans, automatic writers, channelers, healers as well as those who simply wish to clarify their subtle perceptions.
It stimulates the third eye and the Crown Chakra, combining and unifying their energies.
This crystal can activate all spiritual centers and connect them so that they work together in unison.
It is a vector of awakening the unified brain for the realization of its full human and divine potential.
Chakra & use
Element: Water
Chakras: throat (5th), 3rd eye (6th)

Throat, heart, plexus, root, depending on color.
To hold, carry or place as needed.

Special features
Each quartz designed for the aura has specific properties related to its color. Because of the gold amalgamated there, many of these properties are common.
Extremely powerful protective suit. Eliminates negativity present in the subtle energetic bodies and the spiritual body's connections with universal energies.
Ruby quartz is a protective crystal, protecting against aggression and violence.
Running water.
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