Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.



Presentation :


    Names) :

    • Rhodonite.

    Etymology :

    • From the Greek rhodon = rose (Jasche, 1819).

    Band :

    • Mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxenoid family. Its main components are manganese and silicon, with some iron, magnesium and calcium.

    Color :

    • Pink, Orange-red, Magenta, Magenta-red to Red with black inclusions.


    • Vitreous, Matt (massive material).

    Density :

    • 3.57 to 3.76 (gem material around 3.65).

    Duration :

    • 5, 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale.



      • Perfect in one direction.


      • Conchoidal, irregular.

      Line color:

      • White.

      Shock resistance:

      • Very good if massive/compact material | If gem: Fragile.


      • black dendritic manganese oxide.

      Crystal system:

      • Triclinic.

      Chemical composition :

      • CaMn4Si5O15 | Coloring: Manganese in Mn2+ form in octahedral coordination and Mn3+ in octahedral coordination, with trace of iron in Fe2+ form.


        Origin :

        • Germany, Australia (Broken Hill), Peru, Madagascar, South Africa, Brazil, Russia, France, Sweden.



        The name rhodonite comes from the Greek “rhodon”, rose, a root word also from the rhododendron plant or from another mineral, rhodochrosite. In ancient Rome and Greece, rhodonite was worn as protective amulets against attacks from thugs... A trade book dating from the 16th century describes this stone as beneficial: it would bring its owner joy, intelligence and memory while while preserving his honor.
        This mineral is very popular in Russia, where it is used to make all kinds of objects and also as a decorative material for buildings. Thus, Tsar Alexander II, who was Emperor of Russia from 1855 to 1881, father of 16 children from several different women, became a widower for the first time in 1880. He had a tomb carved from stone made for his deceased wife, Maria Alexandrovna. a single block of rhodonite weighing 49 tonnes, the largest ever found in the Urals! The sarcophagus itself weighed seven tons. In the museums and palaces of Saint Petersburg, you can admire vases, rhodonite basins and even columns covered with this stone.

        Physical virtues:

        • Balancing, protective and restorative stone.
        • Stimulates the immune system and blood circulation.
        • Placed on the heart chakra, it can help calm the heartbeat in cases of stress or anxiety.
        • Relieves insect bites.
        • Relieves joint inflammation.


          Psychological, emotional and mental virtues:

          • Soothing and stress-relieving.
          • Strengthens trust and pacifies relationships.
          • Brings tenderness and gentleness, opens its wearer's mind to others and promotes affectionate relationships.
          • Allows you to overcome negative emotions while giving them positive potential.


          • Helps you get a good night's sleep if placed on the heart chakra at bedtime.
          • Restorative, it helps to overcome emotional wounds and past trauma.
          • Like Peridot, recommended for people with jealous tendencies.
          • Strengthen listening and tolerance, soften character.


          • Calms excessive outbreaks of anger.
          • Useful and valuable during exam periods, it acts against fear and stress and increases learning abilities and perseverance.
          • Gives courage and willpower (ideal stone for adolescents). Combined with chalcedony, its anti-stress power will be amplified.


            Spiritual virtues:

            • Stimulates and activates the heart chakra.
            • Improves energy exchanges between the physical and emotional bodies.




              • Heart chakra.

              Purification & recharging:

              • Cleaning with water or fumigation.


              • Recharging in the sun or on a druse, in a geode or in a Tibetan bowl.


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              Regular price 49,48€
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              Presentation : Names) : Rhodonite. Etymology : From the Greek rhodon = rose (Jasche, 1819). Band : Mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxenoid ...
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              Sale price 14,07€
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              Presentation : Names) : Rhodonite. Etymology : From the Greek rhodon = rose (Jasche, 1819). Band : Mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxenoid ...
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              Sale price 26,67€
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              Presentation : Names) : Rhodonite. Etymology : From the Greek rhodon = rose (Jasche, 1819). Band : Mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxenoid ...
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              Sale price 23,94€
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              Presentation : Names) : Rhodonite. Etymology : From the Greek rhodon = rose (Jasche, 1819). Band : Mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxenoi...
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              Sale price 29,84€
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              Presentation : Names) : Rhodonite. Etymology : From the Greek rhodon = rose (Jasche, 1819). Band : Mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxen...
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              Sale price 6,73€
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              Presentation : Names) : Rhodonite. Etymology : From the Greek rhodon = rose (Jasche, 1819). Band : Mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxenoi...