Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Ethical shop - Real and natural crystals, quality, untreated or tinted.

Tienda etica - Real and natural crystals, of quality, without tratar nor tintados.

Pierre Pour Le 4Ème Chakra Anâhata (Ch Maître-Cur) En Chakra Principal

Stone for the 4th Chakra Anâhata (Ch Master-Heart) in Main Chakra

Here are listed all the stones mainly linked to the 4th Master-Heart chakra (Anâhata)

Stone for the 4th Chakra Anâhata (Ch Master-Heart) in Main Chakra

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Regular price 6,00€
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Presentation : Name : Aventurine and Aventurine Quartz: (Variety of Quartz or Quartzite) Etymology: From Italian avventura = chance | NB: "Aventurine", when written alone, descr...
Regular price 28,00€
Sale price 28,00€
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Presentation : Name : Aventurine and Aventurine Quartz: (Variety of Quartz or Quartzite) Etymology: From Italian avventura = chance | NB: “Aventurine”, when written alone, descr...
Regular price 3,50€
Sale price 3,50€
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Virtues and benefits of Rose Quartz: It has a very gentle action on the heart chakra, from where it accentuates the circulation of energy. It regulates the heart rate and what is linked to: tac...
Regular price 3,00€
Sale price 3,00€
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Virtues and benefits of Rose Quartz: It has a very gentle action on the heart chakra, from where it accentuates the circulation of energy. It regulates the heart rate and what is linked to: tac...
Regular price 3,50€
Sale price 3,50€
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Virtues and benefits of Rose Quartz: It has a very gentle action on the heart chakra, from where it accentuates the circulation of energy. It regulates the heart rate and what is linked to: tac...
Regular price 3,50€
Sale price 3,50€
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Virtues and benefits of Rose Quartz: It has a very gentle action on the heart chakra, from where it accentuates the circulation of energy. It regulates the heart rate and what is linked to: tac...