The Angel-Aura Crystal is a quartz that has been coated with platinum, allowing its wearer to connect to the angelic realm, through its very high spiritual frequency energy.
Quartz or rock crystal was considered by shamans as a stone of light capable of making the link between the world of the visible and that of the invisible.
This mineral can anyway, if used well, allow us to do almost everything.
Angel Aura
The Angelic Aura Crystal is also called pearl or opal aura. The shimmering hues of iridescent colors contained in this crystal quickly attune the senses to the angelic worlds and light. They purify the mind and uplift the morale, which fills the energy field with sparkling bubbles of protection. This crystal transports consciousness to the “inner temple” of the higher self where the knowledge of each individual’s guardian angel is kept.
In particular, it will be able to dissolve the body's energy blockages and realign the different bodies: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, astral, causal and divine, by which we are surrounded like a Russian doll.

Grant beauty. Open to the energies of the spirits of nature. Gives lightness and spontaneity to any activity undertaken. Awakens spiritual awareness.
Counteracts mental stress, disorientation, apathy, rigidity, inflexibility, confusion and intolerance.
Eliminate inhibitions. Treats stress and related illnesses. Promotes the peaceful resolution of emotional problems and discord.

Purifies the physical body and intensifies the detoxification process undertaken when attempting to tune into higher frequencies.
It will be a tool of choice in intervertebral disc problems, in particular for disc herniation.
Healing :
Promotes the healing of all conditions, especially chronic or serious, which have not responded to other treatments, complementary or classic. Increases physical vigor and prevents exhaustion.
Position :
To be worn to protect and strengthen the aura and become a beacon of Love and angelic Light. To be placed on any chakra, letting yourself be guided by your intuition. Particularly powerful on the crown chakra and the transcendental chakras. Excellent gem essence. Charges with energy under the full moon. To be kept in a square of white silk.
On the 3rd eye chakra, quartz or rock crystal will soothe eye fatigue, the nervous system and headaches (by massaging the temples).
It is a stone that presents many varieties, indicating its physical or energetic characteristics, bringing a little extra soul to the properties.
It has an iridescent metallic shine like the color of an angel's wings.
Angel Aura quartz creates an atmosphere of tranquility, brings joy and optimism.
It brings strength and courage to those who truly want to achieve their goal.

This crystal intensifies meditation and helps integrate new knowledge acquired.
Angel Aura Quartz has an energetic connection with the angelic realm, allows communication with spiritual beings and angels.
It helps us remember the lessons of past incarnations and align with our spiritual purpose.
This stone is beneficial for all caregivers and healers. IT cleanses the aura.
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