“Tantra Yoni” egg in green Aventurine from Brazil
Use of the Aventurine Yoni Egg :
What is the Yoni egg?
- Jade eggs/yoni eggs are a tool for women to strengthen vaginal health, a long time ago in ancient China, jade eggs/yoni eggs were invented by a Chinese palace worker, because jade itself contains many elements that are good for humans and health .
- Eggs are a massage means to tone and firm the vaginal muscles.
- Put the eggs into your vagina, as the eggs move, you can feel the movements of the vaginal muscle.
- Practice several times a day and you will notice:
- a tightening of your vagina.
- your pelvic floor more toned and firmed, thus increasing the perception of each of your vaginal muscles and better control of your perineum and all the muscle groups of your pelvic floor.
- This will also have the effect of harmonizing your emotions and healing your relationship with intimacy and sexuality. Reduce PMS, menstrual cramps, breast discomfort. Reduce symptoms of menopause, by increasing vaginal lubrication and balancing estrogen levels. Overcoming traumatic experiences of sexual abuse. Keep vaginal health and beauty and improve sexual skills. Awaken your creative energy, your passion and your libido.
Suggested Use:
- To perform the exercise Kegel, empty your bladder first.
- Insert the jade egg and squeeze the muscles you will feel when the jade egg moves.
- This raises the pelvic floor. Hold in contraction for ten seconds, then relax for ten seconds. Do 10 sets, three times a day.
- The key to success is to do the exercise Kegel daily, regularly.
- When your pelvic floor improves and you get the results you want, do the exercise every day, at least once a day.
- If your pelvic floor is healthy and you have good muscle tone, to keep those muscles strong, simply insert the jade eggs at least four times a week and wear them while you do your regular activities for 20 minutes .
- For the exercise of Kegel, start with the big ones jade eggs, then the medium jade egg. As your muscles Kegels get better, you can move on to the smaller jade egg.
* For reasons of hygiene in use and easier and more efficient cleaning, the The eggs we offer are not pierced. It is no problem to extract the egg after use. For cleaning, please refer to the bottom of this sheet.
Presentation :
Name :
- Aventurine and Aventurine Quartz: (Variety of Quartz or Quartzite)
- From Italian avventura = chance | NB: “Aventurine”, when written alone, describes quartz with green Fuchsite inclusions. For other colors and/or inclusions write: Aventurinated Quartz + color (eg Blue Aventurinated Quartz) AND/OR precision of the inclusion (eg Blue Aventurinated Quartz with dumortierite).
Group, Family:
- Quartz Family (Grenus Crystallines (Quartzite)).
Color :
- Adventurescence: Light blue, Dark blue to Blue-purple, Violet (quartz and blue inclusions such as dumortierite) | Light green to dark green (Quartz or Quartzite and green inclusions such as fuchsite (Aventurine), etc.) | Orange-brown, Red, Red-magenta (quartz and Orange to Red inclusions such as hematite, mica) | Golden yellow (Quartz or Quartzite and inclusions of rutile or gold, etc.).
- Glassy.
Origin :
- India, Brazil, Russia, etc.
Crystal system:
- Trigonal.
Chemical composition :
- SiO2 and Inclusions | Coloring: Inclusions dispersed in the mass: Green: Fuschite (Chromiferous Mica); Blue: Dumortierite, Lazulite; Yellow-orange Golden: Rutile; Orange-red: Mica, Hematite, etc.
- Translucent to Opaque (especially Quartzites).
Density :
- 2.64 to 2.69.
Hardness :
- 7 (for quartz).
- Null.
- Conchoidal, Scaly.
Line color:
- White.
Shock resistance:
- Good.
Heat resistance:
- Average.
Properties and virtues:
Virtues on the physical level:
- Regulates heart rate (beneficial action on heart conditions in general).
- Soothes dermatoses (eczema and other skin rashes).
- Promotes the harmonious growth of young children.
- Improves circulatory disorders.
- Activates cell regeneration.
- Balances blood pressure.
- Promotes lowering cholesterol.
- Relaxes the muscles.
- Preserves the urogenital system.
- Soothes tired eyes.
- Reduces headaches.
- Calms nausea (green aventurine).
Psychological, emotional and mental virtues:
- Provides a clear and positive vision of events.
- Soothes fears and anxieties. (especially early childhood).
- Promotes inner tranquility and composure.
- Strengthens decision-making capacity.
- Helps bring projects to fruition (patience and perseverance).
- Calm anger.
- Promotes self-control.
- Stimulates creativity.
- Promotes compassion.
- Instills in its wearer a little more humor and cheerfulness in the face of life.
- It makes it possible to fight against depression and emotional problems.
- Aventurine helps detach yourself from things and people .
- It helps with general well-being and calming negative ideas .
- Green aventurine is known as a stone of prosperity and wealth.
Spiritual virtues:
- Promotes meditation.
- Ideal for a good relaxation session.
- Purifies the energies of the aura.
- Promotes and intensifies the connection with the Beings of Light.
Environmental virtues:
- Absorbs negative waves and harmful emanations of all kinds: electric and electromagnetic waves, for example emitted by high voltage lines, telluric waves coming from underground waterways and Hartman networks, these strange currents which crisscross the surface of the world.
- Master-Heart Chakra, 4th Ch.
Elixir :
- Aventurine elixirs are excellent for all dermatological conditions (eczema, acne, etc.)
Cleaning, recharging, reprogramming:
- Cleaning with clear spring water or filtered water (never salt in the water. Salt alters the structure of the mineral and the abyss). Soak the mineral overnight in an unmarked glass container, and then take it out in the morning to rinse it with new spring or filtered water.
- Direct recharge on a crystal or amethyst druse, in a crystal or amethyst geode. You can also place a dozen laser or rock crystals in a circle (like a time dial), points toward the center, and place your minerals in the center to recharge them. Another method, place your minerals in a singing bowl: Tibetan or crystal bowl, (on a cotton cloth to avoid bowl/mineral vibrations), then ring the bowl to fill your minerals with this sound energy. Last method, place your minerals on a disc (wood or mineral) engraved with the flower of life or the seal of Solomon or any other forms of sacred geometry.
- Reprogramming: Reprogramming consists not of telling your mineral what it should or should not do, but of putting the mineral in resonate with you to ask him to do what he needs to do, for you. Reprogramming must be done after each cleaning and must remain simple. Example of reprogramming: "I ask this mineral to bring me all the virtues and benefits on different levels, for my greatest good as well as for the greatest good of the people around me."