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Jaspe Rouge

Red jasper

Properties of Red Jasper:

Red jasper
  • Symbol of rebirth, stone of action and initiative, ideal for those who realize a project. It gently energizes the root chakra. warms the body. comforts in difficult situations. Anchor stone.
  • Red jasper is called “supreme protector”. It helps during times of stress and brings serenity and calm. The natural stone red jasper anchors energy and gently stimulates. It helps bring problems to light before they become too big and insurmountable. Red jasper has the property of purifying and strengthening the aura. Its properties act slowly and gently. The natural stone red jasper tempers emotionality and restores self-confidence.
  • It stimulates the reproductive organs and activates the sexual glands. With rock crystal and magnesium, red jasper is said to relieve digestion, flatulence and constipation.
  • Red jasper is a stone that activates and stimulates. It attracts abundance and success in leadership positions. Effective for people lacking energy. Makes the mind sharp and gives self-confidence and the will to face life and its difficulties. Removes negative vibrations and protects from all harmful influences. Red Jasper stimulates action and eloquence.
  • Warms people who are always cold, especially recommended for women giving birth
  • Red Jasper is known for its action on vitality. It is recommended for people suffering from incontinence and sexual difficulties. It is recommended by many authors as being a regulator of body temperature, having an action on the regulation of the thyroid. Many midwives advise it to their parturients to regulate pain related to contractions.
  • Jaspers allow us to gently connect to the energy of the Earth and help us understand that of birth. What they bring is very gentle, powerful and deep and generates vital energy. They help carry out daily tasks and allow us to understand that each event in life is a lesson. They connect to the nature and usefulness of what we accomplish in our daily lives. They allow us to fully accept our incarnation.
  • Foundation stone, Jaspers stimulate the spirit of initiative, help to structure life and bring harmony to everyday life. They promote clear and deep communication with the messages our body gives us and allow us to better take them into account.
  • In the environment and its living space, red jasper absorbs negative energy and evacuates them. In jewelry, red jasper has the same properties. Ideal as jewelry or a pebble in your pocket. Inside, red jasper can be placed under the pillow, it helps to remember dreams. The natural stone red jasper is related to the root chakra which it stimulates.
  • Minerals and natural stones need to be cleaned and recharged so that their original properties are regained. The smaller the stone, the more it requires cleaning and reloading; your jewelry, your minerals placed in your environment, your minerals used for your lithotherapy sessions. Before any reloading, you must clean your stone.
  • Red jasper is cleaned in water or in lunar light. It recharges on a quartz or amethyst mat. The quartz mat (or geode) or the amethyst mat (or geode) allows both cleansing and recharging.

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Presentation : Names) :  Jasper (variety of chalcedony): Orbicular Jasper, Bloodstone Jasper, Leopard Jasper, etc. Etymology:  From Greek and Latin iaspis. Group, Family:  ...