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Cristal Aqua Aura

Aqua Aura Crystal

Aqua aura crystal

Aqua Aura Crystal

Physical properties

Aqua aura is a combination of rock crystal and pure gold, artificially created in the laboratory by taking natural quartz crystal formations and animating them with pure gold, covering them with gold fumes. It is created in a vacuum chamber from quartz and gold vapor crystals by a process known as "vapor deposition". The quartz is heated to 871°C in a vacuum, then gold vapor added to the chamber. The gold atoms fuse on the surface of the crystal, giving it metallic reflections. The process was assigned to United States Patent No. 6997014 on February 14, 2006.

Aqua Aura Crystal

Appearance: Crystals artificially combined with gold have small points or aggregates. Aqua quartz has an intense energy reflecting this alchemical process which amalgamates gold with pure quartz.

Rainbow quartz for the aura is formed by the amalgamation of gold and titanium in pure quartz.

Opal quartz for the aura has a paler rainbow color than that produced by platinum.

Rose quartz for the aura is formed from the amalgamation of quartz and platinum.

Ruby quartz for the aura is also made of quartz and platinum, but has a darker color.

Sunny quartz for the aura is a vibrant yellow crystal made from gold and platinum.

Siberian Blue Quartz is a brilliant blue crystal made in a laboratory from quartz and cobalt.

Color: Fuses white, blue and gold rays into an iridescent display of light. Blue (Siberian), red (pink or ruby ​​aura), yellow (sunny aura), rainbow.

Deposits: Artificial covering on quartz crystal in the laboratory.


Aqua Aura Crystal

Aqua Aura is a recent stone, which would have a link with Atlantis. "In the past, the Blue Crystal was directly linked to the stone which had been brought by the 12 Elohim who sacrificed themselves during the initialization of Atlantis and which made it possible to prevent the death, in humanity, of Spirit. This blue Crystal had been placed on this Earth with the aim of bringing humanity, through the fields of form and force created, back to its Unity. It was, in a way, the promise of its return to the "Unity. The color of what is called Aqua Aura quartz is in perfect harmony with this blue Crystal, even if it is not a rock crystal strictly speaking. The Vibration is substantially the same and it would be linked to the star Sirius.

Aqua Aura Crystal

Physical virtues

Would strengthen the thymus and the immune system. Would clarify the throat chakra and free it from its blockages.
Allows you to work on the principles of the sacred masculine through the gold it contains, on the sacred feminine through the rock crystal and on the energy of the divine couple through the fusion of the two.

Each quartz designed for the aura would have specific properties linked to its color. Because of the gold amalgamated there, many of these properties are common:

Rainbow quartz activates all the energy centers of the body since it contains all seven colors.

Rose quartz generates dynamic energy which acts on the epiphysis.

Opal quartz purifies and balances all chakras.

Ruby quartz is beneficial for the endocrine system. Natural antibiotic for fungal infections and parasites.

Sunny quartz relieves constipation on all levels and eliminates toxins.

Siberian blue quartz: As an elixir, for throat infections, gastric ulcers and stress. Applied to the skin, reduces inflammation, sunburn and stiffness of the neck or muscles.

Aqua Aura Crystal

Psychic virtues

Would develop inner listening, express wisdom and personal radiance.

Ideal for people who have difficulty expressing their potential: would free them from their limitations and generate space for novelty.

Would heal, purify and calm the aura, releasing all stress and filling the “holes”. Would activate the chakras. On the throat, would promote sincere communication. From my experience: it clarified my singing voice, carried at the level of the larynx.

Would stimulate channeling and personal expression. Protects against psychic or psychological attacks.

Would bring deep peace in meditation. Used with other crystals, would enhance their healing properties.

Rainbow quartz for the aura gives life force, reverberating in all subtle bodies. Releases negative vibrations from the past (resentment or sorrow, unravels negative karmic ties), offering space on all subtle levels, particularly beneficial to any difficult relationship, thus making it harmonious.

Opal quartz brings joy. Purifies and balances all chakras, "integrates the body of light into the physical dimension." Allows access to a deep state of meditative consciousness, integrating the information received into the physical body.

Rose quartz acts on the epiphysis and the heart chakra, transmuting inveterate doubts about personal worth. Permeates the entire body with love, perfectly balancing its cells (love, healing tool).

Ruby quartz purifies the root chakra of old things. Gives vitality. Activate the wisdom of the heart. Open to Christ consciousness.

Sunny quartz for the aura has powerful and very vivid energies. Activates and purifies the solar plexus, eliminating old wounds and emotional trauma. On a spiritual level, expansion of consciousness and protection.

Siberian blue quartz: Powerful antidepressant, brings deep peace. Activates the throat chakra and the third eye chakra: stimulates psychic vision and telepathy and intensifying communication on all levels. Arouses intense visionary experiences and opens one to cosmic consciousness.

Aqua Aura Crystal

Chakra & use

Element: Water
Chakras: throat (5th), 3rd eye (6th)

Aqua Aura Crystal

Throat, heart, plexus, root, depending on color.

To hold, carry or place as needed.

Aqua Aura Crystal

Special features

Each quartz designed for the aura has specific properties related to its color. Because of the gold amalgamated there, many of these properties are common.


Extremely powerful protective suit. Eliminates negativity present in the subtle energetic bodies and the spiritual body's connections with universal energies.

Ruby quartz is a protective crystal, protecting against aggression and violence.


Running water.



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