Energy bodies, Chakras, Nadis and Meridians
Introduction :
To begin with, what you need to know is that we are made up of seven bodies or energetic envelopes like Matryoshkas (Russian dolls), our physical body in turn is traversed by what we call " Chakras" which in Sanskrit means wheel and which number 88,000, to which are attached a whole bundle of "Nadis" which in Sanskrit means movement, vibration numbering 300,000 to 350,000 according to the various estimates made on this subject , and finally a bundle of approximately 100 meridians. In this article we will only talk about seven of our energy bodies, 12 of our most important chakras, 72,000 primordial Nadis and finally the 20 most important meridians too, (12 main + 8 extraordinary). For the sake of clarity and good understanding, we will start by treating each subject separately to better understand their role, independently of each other and we will then see how they work together.
Energy bodies:
There are seven energy bodies, nested within each other like a matryoshka, not only interlocking but also overlapping. Each body vibrates at its own frequency, the physical body being the one which has the lowest vibrations because it is attached to matter or the “third-party soul”. The further the following bodies are from the physical body, the higher their vibrations are.
Let us now see what these bodies are, how they are organized among themselves and what role they have.
The physical body:
he rides the etheric body and is the vehicle of our soul to come and experience the events and trials of life on this earth. This physical body must be maintained in order to be able to use and maintain the other energy bodies in good condition.
It is made up of dense matter and therefore, compared to the following energetic bodies, it is the one that vibrates the slowest because it is directly connected to matter (or the third-party soul). The further the following subtle bodies are from the physical body, the more they vibrate more quickly and above all higher in frequency. It is the seat of the aura and the chakras and is particularly linked to the 1st chakra, the root chakra.
The etheric body:
it overflows from the physical body and overlaps with the astral body and it ensures the activity of vital functions and energy exchanges at the level of the different subtle bodies. It is in this subtle body that the chakras are located which capture cosmo-telluric energies and redistribute them throughout the body thanks to energy channels (Nadis) and meridians.
It is also called the vital body. It is the first semi-material body close to the physical body and made up of subtle matter. It encompasses, overlaps and extends beyond the physical body by just a few centimeters, faithfully conforming to its shape.
It is the etheric body that animates the physical body and without it, the physical body would be lifeless like an empty shell.
It is connected to the 2nd chakra, the sacral chakra.
The emotional body or astral body:
It rides the mental body and is the vehicle that allows us to travel in our dreams as well as in the different astral planes for what is called "astral travel". It is the seat of all our emotions, desires, passions, moods, joys and sorrows.
It is connected to the 3rd chakra, the solar plexus chakra.
The mental body:
- It overlaps with the causal body and it forms our personality. It is with the causal body that we can do creative visualization. He is represented in old paintings by a halo of light around his head. It is in the mental body that we find what we call the sensory perception tubes. The tubes located at the level of the head allow you to experience clairvoyance, clair-audience and clair-sentiance. The other tubes placed on both hands allow you to feel the energies. It is the seat of the intellect, of all our thoughts, of our primary consciousness. Its state depends on the quality of these and our spiritual evolution. The mental body is connected to the heart chakra. The mental body is divided into 2 distinct parts: the lower mental body (in relation to the astral body) and the higher mental body (in relation to the causal body).
- The lower mental body: reasoning through logic, it appeals to the personality, the ego and is influenced by its knowledge, its acquired knowledge and its emotions.
- The higher mental body: access to one's intuition, to innate and creative ideas. Thoughts that come from the spirit and the divine.
The causal body:
It overlaps the Buddhist body and allows access to the Akashic records in order to help us better understand the purpose of our incarnation or reincarnation as well as the goals and missions that we have set for ourselves in this current life.
It is in this body that we store the memory of all our previous lives, our past experiences, and the achievements in our current life as well as our previous traumas which could affect our present life. It is the seat of higher consciousness. It is connected to the laryngeal (throat) chakra.
The Buddhist body:
- It overlaps the divine body and allows spiritual illumination, total knowledge of all things and reaching divine consciousness as well as entering into communication with our spiritual guides and our angels. This body is generally only formed in saints or people who have achieved great spirituality and a great level of enlightenment. It is connected to the frontal chakra (3rd eye).
The atmic, divine body:
- The atmic body, also called the divine body, is the seat of cosmic consciousness. At this point, we have completed the cycle of reincarnations. We are one with the universe and part of the consciousness of God. It is connected to the crown chakra. Each of these subtle bodies correspond to different planes of consciousness which are accessible through our chakras.
The chakras:
Chakra (derived from Sanskrit: चक्र, which means wheel or disk , phonetic pronunciation: "tchakra" in Sanskrit, "chakra" in French, is the Sanskrit name traditionally given to objects having the shape of a disk, including the sun The term is today better known to designate “spiritual centers” or “junction points of energy channels (nāḍī)*” coming from a conception of Kundalini yoga and which could be located in the human body. According to This conception, there would be seven main chakras and thousands of secondary chakras.
So there are around 88,000 chakras throughout the body but only 114 of them are the most important. There are 7 major chakras that we all know, 21 minor chakras and 86 micro chakras distributed throughout the human body. Of the 114 chakras, 112 are located inside the body and the other 2 are located outside.
Among the seven major chakras, one is present outside the body, above the head region. There are 21 minor chakras distributed throughout the body. The top of the head, the middle of the forehead, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the middle of the stomach and the base of the spine are the 7 main areas of the major chakras. However, the minor chakras are located in our hands, legs, tongue, knees, elbows, collarbones, shoulders, eyes, ears and nose. Not all chakras are active all the time. Some are prominent and others are dormant.
The chakras are located mainly in the same axis as the spine or "Kundalini" which means column of light in Sanskrit and at the points of intersection of the Nadis. If in the many illustrations available the chakras are represented towards the front of the body, in reality it is quite different because the chakras are located at the back of the spine. Their role is to filter, purify and redistribute energy on the one hand to the hundreds of thousands of Nadis and on the other hand to the 20 meridians. The chakras are for the image, like large fans with large blades which rotate the energy of sacred fire (" Chi " in Chinese, " Ki " in Japanese or " Prana " in Sanskrit), to filter it before redistribute it to the Nadis as well as the meridians. Although there are 88,000 chakras spread throughout the body, only 114 are the most important and 7 are the most well-known. Today we will talk about only 17 of them, namely, the seven main ones corresponding to our physical body as well as the 10 corresponding to our energetic body or etheric body which are 5 in number at the bottom (subpersonal chakras) and 5 in high (transpersonal chakras).
Mother Earth Heart Chakra:
- Color: Dark brown.
- Located 30cm below the “Whale Matrix” chakra, this chakra governs everything that connects us to our existence on the plane of matter. He is our link to the source of all creation of everything that is as well as everything that is born on Earth. Linked to the energy of the Divine mother creator of all things here in the plane of matter.
- Quality: acceptance of the incarnatory plan, acceptance of the different plans of earthly life and the missions carried out previously and those to be carried out in the present incarnation.
- Physical disorders: chronic fatigue, apathy, loss of energy.
- Psychic disorders: refusal of incarnation, detachment from one's life mission and incarnation, deep depression.
Chakra Whale Matrix:
- Color: Midnight blue.
- Located 30cm below the “Intraworlds” chakra, this chakra governs and connects us to the matrix energies of our mother and to the transmission of intergenerational genetic and karmic heritage. It connects us to our preexistence as humans made of matter as well as subtle bodies, it connects us to this existence between two worlds. It is the first chakra for integrating the Yin polarity into one's life path. Allows you to receive keys and codes for changes in the planetary DNA matrix.
- Qualities: acceptance of the karmic plan and the intergenerational torch, acceptance of one's part of femininity and its Yin polarity in the duality of incarnation.
- Physical disorders: Hormonal and energetic disturbances due to lack or absence of Yin polarity.
- Psychic disorders: Duality disorder with its feminine side and constant struggle towards the feminine gender whether it is family or friendly or even simply relational, superiority complex which can lead to stifling one's feminine side and crushing women.
Chakra Inner worlds (intraworlds):
- Color: Light brown.
- Located 30cm below the “Dolpin Matrix” chakra, this chakra connects us to the inner world and the memories of ancient civilizations as well as the transmission of their past, their stories and their knowledge. It is the first door to the world of matter and the plane of incarnation on Earth. opens the gates to the Cities of Light, allowing one to work with Ascended Masters, Angels, Devas and other Cosmic Beings to heal and achieve enlightenment.
- Qualities: good mastery of knowledge, skills and knowledge, methodology, sense of organization and operating methods, memory.
- Physical disorders: lack of balance, loss of primitive senses of orientation in time and space.
- Mental disorders: laziness, procrastination, lack of commitment and spontaneity.
Chakra Dolphin Matrix:
- Grey color.
- Located 30cm below the earth star chakra, it governs the matrix energies of the father as well as our intergenerational genetic and karmic heritage, it connects us to our purely Yang energy. It is the second chakra of integration of the Yang polarity this time and of the acceptance of this second polarity in the duality of one's life path. Specifically supports and activates new changes in the Light Body Field and DNA.
- Qualities: acceptance of the karmic plan and the intergenerational torch, acceptance of one's part of masculinity and its Yang polarity in the duality of incarnation.
- Physical disorders: Hormonal and energetic disturbances due to lack or absence of Yang polarity.
- Psychic disorders: Duality disorder with its masculinity side and constant struggle towards the masculine gender whether it is family or friendly or even simply relational, superiority complex which can lead to stifling one's masculine side and wanting to crush men.
Earth Star Chakra:
- Black color.
- Located 30 cm below the arch of the foot, the Earth Star or Earth Star chakra is the intrapersonal link with the life force of the Earth, rising from the very bowels of the Earth. This center governs the anchoring and the subtle threshold between our material world and the first level of the intra-worlds.
- Qualities: grounding, serenity, affirmation, determination.
- Physical disorders: insomnia, fatigue.
- Psychic disorders: dispersion, lack of affirmation, hesitation.
Root Chakra, Muladhara:
- Red color.
- Located at the base of the spine, this center governs the strength of the body, our basic needs, our roots.
- Qualities: stability, self-confidence, courage.
- Physical disorders: circulatory problems, sciatica, anemia.
- Mental disorders: selfishness, lack of confidence, depression.
Sacral chakra, Swadhisthana:
- Orange color.
- Between the sacrum and the stomach, this center governs the circulation of blood and energy, family, creativity, relationships, sexuality.
- Qualities: sexuality, vitality and creativity.
- Physical disorders: genital, renal and urinary disorders.
- Mental disorders: anger, frustration, aggression, jealousy.
Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura:
- Yellow color.
- Between the navel and the lumbar spine, this center governs digestion, accumulated tensions linked to fear and anxiety, and in particular governs the ego.
- Qualities: balance, spontaneity.
- Physical disorders: digestive disorders, diabetes, obesity.
- Mental disorders: irritability, nightmares, lack of self-respect.
Chakra of the Master Heart Anahata:
- Green color.
- Located at chest level, this center governs the balance between the lower and upper chakras, as well as unconditional love and emotional disorders, the lungs, heart, diaphragm and bronchi.
- Qualities: center of love and harmony, kindness, empathy, compassion, unconditional love.
- Physical problems: tension, heart problems, back pain.
- Mental disorders: coldness, difficulty establishing contact, lack of love and respect for others.
Throat chakra, Vishuddha:
- Color: Light blue.
- Located at the throat, this center governs knowledge, communication and exchanges.
- Qualities: communication, productivity, expressiveness.
- Physical problems: throat, teeth, hearing problems.
- Mental disorders: blockages, shyness, fear of expressing one's opinions, speech problems.
3rd eye chakra, Ajna:
- Color: Indigo blue.
- Located at the level of the third eye, between the two eyebrows, this center governs intuition, discernment and parapsychic faculties.
- Qualities: imagination, intuition, wisdom.
- Physical disorders: headaches, eye conditions, nervous system diseases.
- Mental disorders: lack of memory and concentration.
Crown chakra, Sahasrara:
- Purple color.
- Located on the top of the skull, where there is the fontanelle. It is our crown, connected to the stars, to the moon, which are related to this center. This chakra is only activated when the Kundalini awakens and the other chakras are crossed and balanced. This is the chakra of spiritual awakening.
- Qualities: spirituality, self-realization.
- Physical disorders: headaches, chronic illnesses, paralysis, immune deficiency.
- Mental disorders: escape from reality, depression, difficulty deciding.
Soul Star Chakra:
- White colour.
- Located 30cm above the crown chakra, it is the great library of information on karma as well as the great Akashic archives. It is the door to dimensions and times. When activated, it is connected to all the other 7 chakras placed inside the body. Divine light flows through this chakra, connecting us to the great infinite power of the Universe to access higher consciousness. Through this chakra one can truly experience and feel divine love and become aware of our power as a divine soul and spiritual being. T he Soul Star is considered our precious chalice of soul energy, as all of the essence and power of our accumulated soul experiences are available here in our Akashic records.
- Quality: Consciousness, elevation, humility as a spiritual being in human incarnation.
- Physical disorders:
- Psychic troubles :
Stellar Consciousness Chakra:
- Color: Crystal.
- Located 30cm above the “star of the soul” chakra, it governs cosmic and universal forces as well as divine energy. It filters these forces and energy into the Soul Star Chakra. Once this chakra is opened, you can begin to experience a unified oneness. You receive wisdom and divine compassion from the higher planes as well as a constant and abiding connection to the divine planes.
- Quality: greater wisdom and awakening of the soul and spirit, constant and permanent connection with the higher planes.
Universal Intergalactic Consciousness Chakra:
- Color: Magenta.
- Located 30cm above the stellar consciousness chakra, it governs The Intergalactic Gateway is our portal through which we can connect to universal love, the divine and our interconnection with unity. It is the place from which, once opened, we can travel to the stars and back to other galaxies, our intergalactic friends and helpers.
- Qualities: connection with the universal, galactic and intergalactic planes.
allows instant manifestation, teleportation, bi-location and travel beyond the limits of time and space.
Allows you to go anywhere in the realms of Creation, to communicate with the highest vibrational lights, the ascended masters and the great brotherhood of love and light.
Allows you to access the power to heal, to bring knowledge from the highest spiritual realms into your current existence.
Crystalline Consciousness Chakra:
- Color: Silver.
- located 30cm above the chakra of universal intergalactic consciousness, It governs the Christ gateway allowing access to higher planes of consciousness and the purest and most direct access possible with Christ energy and the kingdom of angels.
- Qualities: perfect connection with the kingdom of angels and Christ energies.
Great Central Sun Chakra:
- Gold color.
- Located 30cm above the crystal consciousness chakra or Christ chakra, this chakra is directly linked to solar energy and divine plans. It is the direct link with the creator of all things in the infinity of the universe, of worlds. Through this chakra, you will finally understand the complete connection with the cosmos, the entire galaxy, and beyond.
- Qualities: direct and absolute connection with the creative father.
So what are the chakras used for?
You will have understood, the chakras are in fact sort of large crossroads or energy centers drawing energy from the energetic bodies but also from the sub and transpersonal chakras in order to filter it and then distribute it through the different beams that constitute the “Nadis” and meridians throughout all physical and energetic bodies. Although they cannot be seen or touched, they are what allow energy to flow and circulate throughout the body through the vast network of "Nadis" and "Meridians". Therefore, it is very important to pay close attention to the thoughts and emotions we develop because this can influence the balance of our chakras. Before going any further, let's now see, together and in more detail, what the "Nadis" are and their roles as well as the role of the meridians and we will then return to the impact of negative thoughts and emotions or energy on the proper functioning of our chakras and our entire body.
The Nadis:
*Nāḍī is a Sanskrit term which means: f. tube, channel; vessel, vein, artery; hollow stem, phil flute. yoga: the term nāḍī mainly designates an energy channel, which goes up along the major chakras, close to the spine.The “Nadis” ( movement , vibration ) in Sanskrit, are channels of subtle energy which run through the entire body and are located at the level of Pranyamakosha ( energy body ) , the envelope of our physical body. They are connected to the body by the padmas which link the physical body and the etheric body and form an intertwined network of vessels which ensure the good circulation of vital energy ( Chi , Ki , Prana ). Three of them are considered to be the most important, and for good reason, given that they form the "Kundalini" ( column of light ) in Sanskrit on which our 7 known chakras are aligned, and constitute neither more nor less than the main framework of our energetic body.
The chakras are more precisely located at the junction point of three primordial “Nadis”: Ida , Pingala and Sushumna . They are estimated to number between 300,000 and 350,000 distributed throughout the body, depending on the sources dealing with this subject. But just like the chakras, only 72,000 are the most important. Ida , Pingala and sushumna are very closely and intimately linked since Ida and Pingala wrap around the spine like the two serpents of the caduceus which is itself the seat of sushumna .
Ida (left):
Ida takes root at the level of the first physical chakra Muladhara and goes up the left side of the column, it irrigates the right hemisphere of the brain and ends in the left nostril. It considered the lunar channel which represents the feminine aspect and the feminine energy of "Shakti" it is also associated with Yin, which represents calm and emotional energy. Its cold energy attached to the elements Earth and water connects it directly to the parasympathetic nervous system whose main purpose is to slow down the body's functions and transmit to the organs the impulses necessary for their stimulation and proper functioning. This Nadi of cold and lunar energy helps lower body temperature .
It governs mental strength and activities and our internalization abilities. It represents our subconscious and frees us from our fears and our feelings of guilt, which are often the causes of our psychological disorders such as depression.
Ida regulates psychic and extrasensory perceptions, it governs intuition, imagination, creative and artistic activities and helps us orient ourselves in space. When the left nostril is dominant, the parasympathetic nerve is stimulated and this results in a deep feeling of relaxation, without any effort creativity comes by itself.
Pingala (right):
Pingala takes root at the level of the first physical chakra Muladhara and goes up the right side of the column, it irrigates the left hemisphere of the brain and ends in the right nostril. It considered to be the solar channel which controls physical activities. It carries positive energy, the solar and masculine energy of Shiva and is associated with Yang energy. Its hot energy linked to the air and fire elements connects it to the sympathetic nervous system whose main purpose is to accelerate the functions of the body. It stimulates muscular activity by releasing adrenaline, controls the heart rate, activates the physical body and directs consciousness towards the outside world. This hot energy nadi helps increase body heat and controls digestive energy. When it is blocked or unbalanced, it causes inflammatory diseases and can be the cause of certain cardiovascular or digestive disorders.
It governs our capacities for reasoning , analysis and logic, it is the seat of reason and pragmatism. When the right nostril is dominant, the sympathetic nerve is stimulated and this results in the “fight or flight response” situation, which means the fight or flight reaction to something.
Sushumna center:
Sushumna takes root at the first physical chakra (Root Ch) and stretches to the last physical chakra (Crown Ch). It is the channel of fire which rises in the center of the vertebral column which it crosses from bottom to top. For the most part, Sushumna remains closed and life energy only flows through Ida and Pingala. The opening and activation of Sushumna only occurs when the person makes the necessary efforts to raise their level of consciousness and vibration, thus making room for the ascension of Kundalini. in which spiritual energy or Kundalini circulates. For this we must not only listen to Shakti (Yin) and Shiva (Yang) but agree to let them express themselves in us and finally give them both room to exist as polarities forming parts integral to our entire being.
Although in the physical body it corresponds to the spinal cord, in the dimension of the subtle body it is considered the channel of circulation of Kundalini, the spiritual energy which is represented in the form of a coiled serpent. Its diameter, less than that of a hair, is enough to send neutral energy through the central nervous system or cerebrospinal system. It travels and crosses each of the main known chakras and helps regulate physical as well as mental activities. Although being the most important of all the Nadis because it forms the Kundalini channel and connects to all our known chakras, without Ida and Pingala it would be nothing and therefore it comes to life at the junction points of Ida and Pingala .
The principle of duality:
Ida and Pingala are the representation of the duality that makes life as we know it possible. The duality of forces opposing and harmonizing thanks to Sushumna.. The yin needs its yang, the sky needs the earth, and the feminine needs the masculine. Feminine and masculine as energy and not as sexual beings, although in the plane of matter the two need each other to find harmony and also ensure their descent .
The secondary role of the meridians:
- Lung Meridian/Large Intestine Meridian:
-Manage what is assimilated and eliminated.
-Manage the ability to protect oneself from attacks from the outside world.
-Emotions: grief, sadness, low self-esteem.
- Heart Meridian / Small Intestine Meridian:
-The Heart meridian houses SHEN. It is linked to the management of emotions, to the spiritual journey.
-The Small Intestine meridian ingests, assimilates and transforms information.
-Emotions: Joy and Passion
- Liver Meridian/Gallbladder Meridian:
-The Liver meridian manages what is linked to feelings and affects. It is he who gives the ability to start things. It is the seat of the Self and consciousness.
-The Gallbladder meridian manages the application of the plans designed by the Liver. He is responsible for frustration and a sense of Justice. This meridian is very involved in headaches.
-Emotions: Depression and Anger.
- Spleen-Pancreas Meridian/Stomach Meridian:
-They work together to nourish and care for the body-mind entity. They manage everything related to material and rational approval. They are responsible for physical and mental input, thinking.
-Emotions: worry, worries, reminiscence, nostalgia, rehashing.
- Kidney Meridian/Bladder Meridian:
-The Kidney stores energy and the Bladder meridian diffuses it. They are responsible for the amount of energy flowing through the meridians. They are responsible for all the deep structures of the individual and for resistance to fatigue and stress.
-Emotions: fears and beliefs.
- Master Heart Meridian/Meridian of the 3 Homes (triple focus):
-The Master Heart meridian assists and protects the heart on an energetic level. It manages the relationship with pleasure in every sense of the word.
-The Triple Focus meridian governs the 3 main energy centers containing all the vital organs. It gives the ability to sort things out and general energy balance.
-Emotions: promotes joy and limits excesses.
Purification of energy bodies, chakras, nadis and meridians:
It is essential to purify our energetic bodies but also everything that constitutes them, namely the chakras because they are the powerful energy wells supplying the nadis and the meridians, the nadis because they are the channels which allow our vital energy to flow. circulate freely throughout the body, the meridians because they are the vessels supplying some of them to our organs. Energy blockages at the level of the chakras, nadis and meridians are the cause of numerous organic diseases or mental or pathological disorders.
For a life in perfect balance, we need a perfect balance between energies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. These four forms of vital energy are interrelated and overlap. The chakras play a vital role in balancing these four energies and maintaining the health of our body and mind. When balanced, our chakras contribute to the immune system and strengthen the body's ability to self-heal. However, the nadis and meridians also play a crucial role in the perfect balance of the bodies and the entire organism, both nourishing the entirety of the subtle and physical bodies.
It is therefore very important to begin with, to always be in control of your thoughts and emotions so that they do not tarnish and block our chakras, our nadis and our meridians, thus creating numerous imbalances on different levels.

How to take care of the energy bodies, chakras, nadis and meridians and how to purify them?
There are ways to purify and maintain all our energy centers such as:
- a healthy lifestyle as well as good management of our thoughts and emotions. Negative emotions and thoughts act like poisons spreading throughout the body, if we take care of our thoughts and emotions it is just as much poison that we avoid pouring into ourselves.
- Yoga through the practice of asanas. Posture asanas in Sanskrit. These postures allow certain points to be nourished and others to be released in order to promote the proper flow of vital energies.
- Meditation can help with this in that through meditation we can find inner calm and thus better manage our negative emotions or ruminating thoughts.
- Acupressure sessions using minerals can also be a good way to release these overloaded points and thus release the vital flow that was previously blocked.
- The sessions can also provide a deeper solution to allow energies to be fluidized again and to flow better through the different bodies.